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Bri’s #1s from 2011

Even though I haven’t blogged regularly in about two months, I wanted my last post of 2011 to be something special. I’m defining “special” as “self-indulgent list making about my opinions of different medias this year”. Hope you enjoy it. If not… whatever. I’m not your monkey. I’M NOT YOUR-

Bri’s #1 Book: Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

After whining about not wanting to spend $20 of my own money on this recently published sequel to the novel “Clockwork Angel” for a week, my mom bought it for me and stuck it under the tree. I spent the rest of Christmas day finishing it. Clockwork Angel was a great book, but Clare outdid herself with this sequel. Heartbreaking, funny, intense, and thoughtful, CP (Clockwork Prince) is my favorite book this year because it has made me absolutely obsessed with the universe in which it exists and has reaffirmed how much I would love to be a career writer. That all said, I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL NEXT DECEMBER FOR THE FINAL BOOK IN THE TRILOGY? WHY??

You’ll like this if you like: The Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray, Victorian-era fantasy, strong female protagonists

Runners up: Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson, Beauty Queens by Libba Bray, Matched and Crossed by Ally Condie, and Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins (all female authors! I’m branching out)

Bri’s #1 TV Show: Heroes

So even though Heroes has been over since February of 2010, I didn’t start watching it until this summer, and it’s pretty much consumed my year as far as TV shows go. I bought ten episodes on iTunes from all four seasons (mostly episodes that feature Sylar heavily) and got the complete fourth season DVD set from my mom for Christmas. Granted, a lot of my obsession over this show stems from my obsession with Zachary Quinto, but I truly did enjoy the series. Even if season 3 got a little wonky for a while and even if I hated 75% of the characters by the end, overall, it was a fun show, and I’m glad to have seen it.

You’ll like this if you like: Brooding and attractive men, pretty ladies, superheroes, philosophical musings on the state of humanity

Runners up: NCIS: LA, Doctor Who (always), Chuck

Bri’s #1 Movie: Garden State

Again, I understand this movie came out a while ago, but I didn’t see it until April of this year, and I loved it. I spent a lot of last year watching all seasons of the show Scrubs, so I had a slightly unhealthy crush on Zach Braff, and this movie didn’t exactly help. Not only can Braff act, but he can also write and direct? I have to say, that’s pretty damn impressive. This movie was sweet, funny, and thoughtful, and I absolutely recommend it. Plus, it has a young, hyper, quirky, adorable Natalie Portman, a guinea pig maze, a wall camouflage shirt, and Michael Weston (if only for a couple minutes).

You’ll like this if you like: Zach Braff, Natalie Portman, indie comedies

Bri’s #1 Person: Zachary Quinto (are you surprised?)

Seriously, are you surprised? You shouldn’t be. While I think the reason ZQ is my person of the year is summed up quite nicely in this blog from earlier in the year, I thought I’d elaborate just a little bit more because I love him. Not only is he eloquent, attractive, and funny, but he also started his own production company that came out with its first full length movie, Margin Call, this year. It was a little above my head, but it was smart and clearly well made. It required a lot of courage to come out, especially when he did, and to do it with such humility is an even more incredible feat. Zachary Quinto, I will love you until the day that I die, even if your fashion sense is sometimes a little bizarre.

You’ll like this if you like: Attractive, well spoken, tall-dark-and-handsome men.

Runners up: Eric Christian Olson, Maureen Johnson, Chris Axtman

Bri’s #1 Song: Russian Unicorn by Bad Lip Reading

A song born from a poor lip-read version of Michael Buble’s music video for “Haven’t Met You Yet.” This is my song of the year because of how obsessed Ellen and I got with it. It’s hysterical, bizarre, but more than all of that, catchy. Yes, a parody of a Michael Buble song is almost a better song than the original. We danced to it in the Halloween Cooking With Gandalf episode, and it’s a permanent fixture in every dance playlist Ellen and I will ever make. If that doesn’t constitute song of the year, I don’t know what does.

You’ll like this if you like: Catchy pop songs, fart jokes

Runners up: Stay Awake by Julia Nunes, Forever Yours by Alex Day, Seizure Boy by George Watsky


777 words? I think that’s good. Hope you all had a great year, and please comment with your own #1’s!

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