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Bri’s 2015 Resolutions: FINAL RESULTS

It’s officially the end of the year, and I have officially accomplished a LOT in 2015. But how did I do based on my arbitrary list of goals I made last January? LET’S EXPLORE!

1. Order in less than three times per week.

I have no money and I live with Quinn, who cooks 85% of the time for us, so… SUCCESS!

2. Two meals a week have to be a salad.

Salads are the worst. Failure.

3. Post a YouTube video once every two weeks.

I mean, I posted 10 episodes of Brains plus a bunch of cast and crew interviews and BTS videos, so…. that should count for something? (Failure.)

4. Post a blog every other week.

It’s really cute what I thought I would be able to do AS WELL AS produce three web series. Also a failure, obviously.

5. Draft Burden of Proof season 1 by next January. 

So I have a third draft of the pilot, as it’s my capstone script, but the full season is in no way drafted, or even fully planned. BUT I wrote the entirety of Brains season 2 (10 main episodes and 10 mini-episodes to be released in between) so in the spirit of this resolution I think I succeeded.

6. Film at least 1 episode of Brains.

Not only did I film the entire first season of Brains, but it has already been accepted as an official selection at FOUR film festivals! I think this over achievement should count towards my salad failure. SUCCESS.

7. Figure out a battle plan for SLJ rewrites.

Battle plan, yes, new draft in the near future, no. So, soft success?

8. Complete draft of The Toast movie.

Hellz yeah, although it’s not very good right now. It’s currently taking a back seat to Brains S2 and Burden of Proof, but hey, draft mo’fo’ing complete. Success.

9. Keep bedroom cleaner.

Look, two people living in a room meant for 1 with absolutely no storage to speak of isn’t an ideal clean situation. But I no longer leave pizza boxes of shame at the foot of my bed for weeks at a time, so I think I’m calling this a SUCCESS.

10. Visit both Oregon and Colorado. 

I’m visiting Colorado at the end of the month! For a whole week!! I’m not making it to Oregon by year end, unfortunately, but Colton visited me this summer and brought a bit of Oregon to me so that’s something.


SUCCESS: 6 (including the half successes of #5 and #10)

FAILURE: 4 (including the half successes of #5 and #10)

That’s pretty good! I am not unhappy with this outcome. As always, the self-care and do-stuff-consistently resolutions fell by the wayside, but that’s because it’s so much easier to lock in and finish one script over the course of a week or two than do something over and over on a consistent basis.

Next year’s resolutions will be up on January 1st. Hopefully I’ll do a bit better in 2016, but 2015 was by no means a failure overall.

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