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First day of real high school

Was insane. I got lost so many times, but I still managed to get to each class on time. Note to self: BRING BACKPACK TO EVERY CLASS.

All of my classes and teachers seemed pretty nice, though. My writing class is gonna be great. I'm doing AP homework right now so I can't make this long… but I'm excited for school! I love it! The only thing I'm worried about is Spanish, which I don't have any friends in, and also the teacher is apparently not very good.

Oh, well. I saw Smurf's brother in the hall and said hi, but I don't think he heard me. heh heh.

So tonight, this is what was on my to-do list (that I just completed)

*Bring money/ signed sheet for AP

*Label most of Europe Map with the cities he told us to (about 100) (This took forever… I used three different maps, and I'm still not done completely)

*Get more folders

*Get art form signed

*Take backpack to every class 

*Get a three ring binder for Comp/Lit

*Ten minute written response to qualifications of a good reader/writer

*Free verse (uncorrupted) free verse poem due Friday (which I finished today)


Pretty good, no? 

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Freshman Memories

( history. )

– Who was your closest friend in this class of the people there?

– Who was the teacher?
Mr. Majors

– Was this your favorite teacher?
He was cool, I dunno if he was my favorite, though…


– What did you do during this period?
talk to sean and morgan and mike when he was still there… and struggle through the homew

– Anyone you wanted to shoot during this period?
Not naming names…

– Were you failing this class?
no… I got a B

-Who taught it?
Ms. J

( english )

– Did you ever fall asleep in this class?

– Was this your favorite class?
Yes (other than GT , but that doesn't count)

-Who did you laugh at the most?


-Who was the teacher?
Ms. Blevens

-Who did you talk to the most?
Megan G, or Mike when he was still there, or Morgan

-Did you like this class?
Heh, yeah, it was so easy. I fell asleep once.

-What did you do?
talked to people and colored pictures and watched movies

– Did you hate anyone in that class?

– Was your crush in this class?
um… not really

– Were you failing that class?
HAHAHAHA I could have passed without even showing up

-What will you miss most from last year?
The really nice, albeit limited, library

-Who do you miss the most?
No one that I won't see next year…

-Will you see them next year?
What did I just say??

-What was your fave. Subject?

-What will or have you done this summer?
get in some kind of shape

-Did you answer the complete truth during this survey?

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THEY'RE OFF!!! THEY'RE OFF!!!! You know, my first thought was "I look like a horse"




For the record, this isn't my real eye color, I was just messing around and made them only blue. In actuality, they're blue-grey-green-hazel.

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“FINALLY!!” Says the green poodle

Ah, pure, giddy happiness. It'll keep you up at night, but that's ok. I don't think I've ever slept with a smile on my face. Seriously. I tried to not smile last night, but it didn't work. Now that's happiness for you.

Happiness is when you can't stop smiling.

Happiness is when you look in the mirror and feel happy no matter how bad you look.

Happiness is going to bed late and getting up early to see if they emailed you.

Happiness is going to bed without socks and not feeling cold at all.

Happiness is screaming in a pillow with a big stupid smile on your face.

Happiness makes your heart rate go up.

Happiness makes Fall Out Boy upbeat and cheerful. 


I love being happy. It's such a step up from the depression that was all to familiar in middle school. In middle school, it was horrible. Those were probably the worst three years of my life, but they taught me something. They taught me that it wasn't easy to make friends, and that the only person I could depend on was myself. I still depend on myself heavily, even though I have friends now. Because now, if a friend turns their back, it hurts, but I'm not completely lost. I also have other friends to count on if that happens. Smile

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“Aaah, Jealousy” coos the green poodle

Boys are stupid. All of them. They can be stupid in relationships, in school, or in common sense.

But they're all stupid.


Shut up, green poodle. You're making it worse.

What's wrong with everyone these days? Lately, it seems like everyone is mad at everyone else, friendships and relationships are being tested, and no one is coming out on top?


My biggest fear is failure. Did you know that? I'm afraid to fail at school, at friends, at being me, at relationships, and at life in general. And lately, all that I've done is fail.

I've failed to make my AP group understand how important this is to me without yelling at them and making them hate me.

I've failed at getting an A in math because it wasn't as important to me.

I've failed at relationships AND friends at the same time because I've failed to make a clean break and I've failed to make him understand why I did it.

I've failed at life because I can't seem to make everyone else happy at the same time as being happy myself. Someone else is always sad, and I hate that. I feel guilty to be happy when someone I'm close to can barely look at me, or is having problems.

I hate feeling guily and trying to make everything better but failing because no one wants my help and I don't know how else to help them.

I hate it when the only thing left to do is hate myself for everything I've done and move on.

I hate it when everyone turns their backs on their own problems, even though I do it to myself to help other people. I'm so loaded with the feelings and problems of everyone else that I forget about myself and I totally disregard my feelings. I feel happy that I've hepled someone or made them happy one way or another, but it's a shallow happiness, because inderneath, I'm not really happy. Everyone else is, but I'm not, so then that makes me desperate to find a solution to make myself happy and everyone else by lying to myself and everyone, but then I start telling myself the truth and then everyone else, or maybe just that one person, gets mad at me and is "disapointed in my decision".

I don't knwo how to fix things anymore, so I'm going to stop trying. Everyone else can fix things, and I'm just going to sit here and let them. Because every time I try to make everyone, including myself happy, it falls through and then it sucks worse than before. So I'm done.

You want things to change? Change it yourself. I'm done making things worse. I'm done trying to make myself happy and not be depressed or living in a lie. I'm done pretending to be someone just to make someone else feel good, because that's not fair to me.

I'm finally going to be true to myself and not let anyone else chagne how I feel about things just to make them happier.

I'm done trying to help. So help yourselves. Because i'm DONE.

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Panty-hose and softness

Did you all see the new Various Ramblings? I quite like it.

I am getting picked up after school. I am getting picked up after school.

I am getting picked up after school. I am getting picked up after school.

I am getting picked up after school. I am getting picked up after school.

I am getting picked up after school. I am getting picked up after school.




I need some shorts with pockets. I can't keep rolling up my jeans. Daaaaangit.

I need another list.




Things I do when I wake up

1. Push snooze button

2. Actually get up/ attempt to make bed

3. Go to bathroom and put in contacts/ do hair (if necessary)

-yell at brother-

4. Apply makeup

5. Go back to my room

6. Put lotion on legs (aah, they're so smoooooth)

7. Pick clothes to wear for the day (usually takes the longest)

8. Get backpack and go to kitchen

-yell at brother-

9. Eat breakfast (banana and a chewy bar) -yell at brother-

10. Go back to the bathroom and brush teeth/last minute primping

-yell at brother-

11. Leave for bus around 6:35, or, if dad's dropping me off, leave about 6:45

12. School starts at 7:25



……..That wasn't really a list, but whatever.


Hey! Where am I? I'm not supposed to be in a blog! My place is in Various Ramblings!!

What the…?

Hey- you're not insane Bri! You're normal Bri! I can't argue with you! I can't freak you out! This sucks.

Er, sorry. I dunno why you're here… how strange. Um… I dunno what to do to put you back…

Oh. Well, since I'm here, do you want to argue with me?

Uh… about what?


Um… ok?

Dangit. You don't react. I guess I'll have to try…

Don't. Even. Go there.

Ooooh… I see I've touched a nerve. Why won't you let me say–

*submits blog and ruins the escaped alter-ego's plan to make her look bad*

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MoMo and Bri are bored in biology

Bri: Boooooooooooooooreeeeeeeeeeeed

MoMo: Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied

Bri: This is a stupid class. I HATE SCIENCE

MoMo: I kinda like it, but L.A. is much better.

Bri: I'm wearing the most comfortable shoes ever. They're like, massaging my feet, duuuude.

MoMo: Okay… Yeah… Sure Bri. That sounds great.

Bri: Dylan, would you like to say something?

Dylan(looking frightened and nausiated): No, I would not.

Bri: Are you SURE?

Dyaln: Wow. I just, can't beleive that. Bri, you need to get out more. Seriously.

Bri: Thanks a lot Dylan.

MoMo: Dylan, you're an idtiot. I'm having technical diffficultys. I think i'ts the green glassses! hELP ME

Bri: Ok, we're calming down now, MoMo. Caaaaaaaaaalming down. No! Bad MoMo! Stop hitting me with your lucky charms!! Nooo!!! Dang you, Irish!!!

MoMo: Ireland ROCKS… or maybe… ShamROCKS!!!!!! Heh heh.

Bri: Woooooooow…. Maybe it's not ME that needs to get out more, Dylan….

MoMo: Ach! I can't see! My glasses… they're gone! Nooooooooooooo!!!

Bri: Heeeey.. Trevor… you want to say something on our conversation on my website?

Trevor: I am…. OK.

MoMo: C'mon Trevor… You know you want to!

Bri: Come on, Trevor….. let's go to Caaaaaandy Mountain, Trevor!!

MoMo: jslj

Megan: MINE is the most common!

Dylan: Yeah, I know so many people with that last name…

Bri: I think they're talking about last names…

MoMo: What the heck?! Monkey! Sorry, that just slipped out. Oh, by the way, MoMo isn't even PRESENT in the phonebook!!!! Ooh– burneth!

Bri: That 'burneth' thing is really starting to get wierd… You want to talk on this, Dylan?

Dylan: No, I'm just looking at this..

MoMo: Whoa… everythings GREEN… AWESOME!!!

Dylan: Staring off into space…

Megan: Gowd, I hate this thing! I don't want this, and I don't want this.

Mrs. B: Alright, you have about ten minutes left to become experts.

Megan: STOP!

Dylan: Sorry! I was just looking at this thing… *mumble mumble* petifile *muble mumble* I did not!

Bri: You all have such interesting conversations

Dylan: wooooow, how did you find all this stuff out?

Megan: Why would I tell you?

Dylan: Fine, fine! (pouts)

MoMo: Turkeys SuCk! But Monkeys RoCk!! Or… ShamRoCk!

Bri: NOT MONKEYS, MOMO!! Well… we'd better sign off… say goodnight, MoMo… time to take your crazy pills…

MoMo: Goodnight, MoMo…

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I almost forgot!!!

Bri's Own World has been on the internet for 1 WHOLE YEAR!!!!! 

Go us!!!!!

I can't do any cool photoshopping funky thing because I'm still in Hawaii on my dad's laptop, but I'll whip something up when I get home!!


So Happy Birthday Bri's Own World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's funny. I never really thought of it like this.


Today, I said it outside, for the first time out loud. "I have a boyfriend"

And honestly? I felt kind of silly, like I was a six year old.

"Mommy, mommy! I made a new boyfriend!"-six year old Bri.

It sounds corny!

I've never really thought of it like that.

When you don't have one, it sounds like something you can't afford, that insanely big treasure you just can't reach.

Not the actual boyfriend- just the ability to say "I have a boyfriend"

And then, when you get one, if you really like him, you think "What a ridiculous thing to look forward to! Just being able to say 'I have a boyfriend' used to be my dream! Now what?"


Which brings me to my next subject.

Some people don't date for the person, mostly they date for either social reasons or because all they want is a physical relationship. That's a waste of their time, but it's their problem, so I'm staying out of it.

If you're going to date someone, make sure it's someone you really like, someone you really trust. Because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you call them, all that matters is that you have someone you really, truly like.