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Nine in the afternoon


Disclaimer: I am quite aware of the grammatical mistake in the title. It’s a joke. You know, “haha, she’s so clever”. That sort of thing. Right. Moving on.

Watch Your Grammar And Punctuation

I know, I know, grammar and punctuation suck. I get it. But do you know how hard it is to read something with badder grammar and no punctuation? I’ve had to read people’s work with almost no punctuation and sometimes it’s hard to tell when they stopped talking about one thing and started on another and also it bothers me when you cant spel gud because then either you look stoopud or i cant figur out wut ur talking about oh and tats another ting that bothers me when pepl use IM speek dat bugs da crap outta me if u cant spel out de hole wurd jus call me k?

See what I mean?

Writing Exercises Are Not Below You

Everyone is always complaining about having to do writing exercises and games, but they’re a great tool to help your writing. My novel Addicted came out of a writing exercise I did at a creative writing class I took over the summer.

Don’t Get Frustrated

This one is kind of hard for some people, myself included at times. But you have to accept that half the things you write are going to be utter crap. You don’t have to show anyone those bits, but you have to friggin get over it. If whatever you do is perfect the first time around, everyone else in the writing community might have to kill you.

Keep Everything

That’s one thing I don’t like about computers; when you delete something or erase an entire scene, it’s gone forever. (Key words: ONE THING) So I suggest keeping a notebook handy at all times to just scratch things down. Angry with someone but you can’t say anything because you’re afraid to hurt their feelings? Write it down. And someday, you might just use it.

Also, that random thought you wrote down a year ago may sprout into a great idea now that you look at it again. That’s something I had a problem with a while ago… I ripped out a ton of pages in one of my old journals that I didn’t like, but now I really wish I hadn’t. There was a lot of fun stuff in there, and now it’s gone.

Write All The Time

Any writer will vouch for this. Even if whatever you’re writing is complete and utter crap (See “Don’t Get Frustrated”), make sure you do it every day. The more you write, the better you get, and the more material you have.

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