Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 14] Star-Struck Lovers

Photo 290Yesterday was crap. I missed half of government to go to a two minute orthodontist appointment, where my orthodontist told me that I must be wearing my retainer a lot (LIES). Then I didn’t go home after school until three hours after school ended, because I went to get my allergy shot, then I went to get some dog food, then I got my brother a water bottle and dropped it off at his tennis practice. My allergy shot made my arm swell up and I was in pain, plus I got really stressed about my psychology test the next day and the fact that I have no money for college. On top of all this and a minor breakdown -tears included-  I didn’t sleep all night. So. Yeah. Bad day.

Pretty much anything would have made today better, but it was a surprisingly good regardless of the crappy day yesterday. I ended up finishing my morning routine early, so I had a while to relax before I left, then during my release I studied for my psychology test some more and finished the track on Garage Band for my new song (keep your fingers crossed, it might be included in Saturday’s video). I finished my psychology test (100 questions, 70 minutes) in a half hour along with my friend Chad, so we went to the library with my laptop and worked on lit homework.

That, in addition to the extra time during lit, was probably the best part of my day. Twice today we ended up in the library together, and we were so giddy with hatred at the assignment we were working on, it made it almost fun. Let me explain. Every week, we  (my AP lit class) have a list of twelve literary terms due. We have to write a definition in our own words and then find a literary example of the term. But we don’t just have to find an example, we have to go in depth explaining said example. Basically, it’s twenty minutes of coming up with definitions and three days of BSing examples.

Photo 263I don’t remember exactly what Chad and I found so funny, but it was something about Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers, love bunnies, the Beatles, and Tom Petty.

Then Craig threw a dead (murdered) fly at me in my car and it landed on my leg and I freaked out. Jerk.

(Sorry, this whole thing was kind of random. I’m so tired, you have no idea.)

ADDITIONALLY: I have an idea, and I want to see if you guys approve. At the end of this year (the week before August 19, 2010), I want to use each day to explain what I learned on those days throughout the year. Example: On the last Friday, write about what I learned from writing about people I cared about. That was badly worded, but you get the picture. Thoughts?

6 thoughts on “[Day 14] Star-Struck Lovers

  1. I like the last week of the 365 plan…and contrary to your over reactive brain, you DO have college money…that, our I will wash out a can of green beans, file off the sharp edges, take the label off, and neatly stencil a clever begging phrase for you to use when you are stand at the end of the Horizon exit ramp after graduation.

  2. I like your dad’s idea. But you might want to put a picture of a very sad puppy on it. Even though that might be slightly immoral.
    Hope the next few days are better, hon.

  3. No, if Bri wants to bring in the big bucks, she needs a baby. It doesn’t really matter who’s, but if you’re a beggar, a baby is like pure money. Just stay away from those jerks from child services.

    And Mike: cold, yes, heartless, maybe, but calculating involves too much math.

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