Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 15] I’m over getting older

Photo 289Lately, I’ve been getting into tea. I didn’t get into coffee until about last year, so I figured that tea, which won’t brown my teeth and stunt my growth, would be a good new habit to get into. So this summer I bought some tea at the local health food store (one kind to help me sleep and one kind to repress appetite) and tried to acclimate. It kind of worked, but I’m sorry, tea just tastes like weirdly flavored, piping hot water. I even tried Chai at Starbucks, but that just tastes like cold egg nog with a kick. Eh. But I really want to like tea. It is the coffee of sophisticated people! In pursuit of my imagined intellectual image, today, instead of my normal hot chocolate, I filled up my travel mug with Earl Gray tea.

It was gross, so I dumped it out in the bathroom sink and my locker stunk like Earl Grey all day.

Sorry guys, I’m not in the mood to write anything more than that, and there really isn’t anything more to tell. I’ll write something inspiring tomorrow. I have to go research Marburry v. Madison to prepare for my Supreme Court appointment.Photo 12

(Screw you judicial review)

One thought on “[Day 15] I’m over getting older

  1. I really like these, Bri. I look forward to reading them every day, because I don’t have a life of my own.
    So live enough for me, too.

    PS: Earl Grey is one of favorite teas. I didn’t bring my box to catalyst because I want it. Muaha!
    suggestion: You might like it more with a load of milk and sugar. It still counts as tea, but it’s more substantial/tasty than flavored water. : )
    Love Kelli

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