Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 31] Just don’t play Twister with her

The more I think about my friends, the more I realize why they’re so diverse. It’s because each one represents a different side of my personality. Rachel represents the writer and loyal friend in me. Craig represents the crazy and political side of me. Bart represents the callous but caring side of me. Kelli represents the slightly insane but introspective side of me. With this in mind, I guess Mia would represent the competitive side of me.

I don’t think Mia liked me much when we first met. I was the Yearbook Nazi, I was weird, and I didn’t talk much when I first started hanging out with her and the rest of what is now our group. And to be honest, she scared the crap out of me, more so than anyone else. So our friendship didn’t start out particularly well.

Once we put those things behind us, though, we found common ground with our competitive natures. Both of us were in AP classes and got way too stressed out for our own good. But that’s not why we’ve stayed friends, I don’t think.

I think we’ve stayed friends because we mutually respect each other, and we both understand what it’s like to bite off more than we can chew, if you’ll excuse the cliche. If I’m being honest, I have to admit that I look up to Mia in a way. She stays up until four am in the morning to write an essay while I get cranky going to bed anytime after nine pm. She’s so focused, so determined, and I can barely keep a train of thought for more than a few seconds. I wish I was more like Mia, more caring towards if I have an A or a B. Sure, Bs bother me, but if it’s an AP class, then I don’t mind as much as I should. Mia is applying to Ivy League colleges and retaking the ACT because she “only” got a 32. I got a 28 and I have never aspired to go to a school that requires any significant effort on my part.

Mia is my partial inspiration for starting to exercise more. Maybe it’s because I just want to come close to keeping up with her. I never will, but that’s ok. I value her friendship too much to  care.

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