Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 58] There are worse things in life

There’s this certain type of person that I really can not stand. I know you’ve seen or even encountered one at some point. They are the people who decide that, out of a group of friends, they dislike you the most. More than likely, the group enjoys your company better than the person who dislikes you, who we will henceforth call The Hateful One.

Now, The Hateful One doesn’t seem to understand how to hide their distaste for you, so they just come off as rude, but unfortunately they don’t notice this.

The Hateful One that I have to deal with, almost every day, really really doesn’t like me. Probably because they realize that I could do their job much, much better than them, and they dislike the competition, even though I have no aspiration to compete. The Hateful One likes to yell at me, blame me for things that they do wrong, and blantantly ignore me when “someone better” is around. Of course, because I understand that this is the only way The Hateful One can feel better about themself, I don’t usually mind.

But somethings, they go too far.

For those of you who know me, it shouldn’t be a surprise that I have a short temper with people of the idiot variety. I lump Hateful Ones in this category, and today my Hateful One tested me. Oh, they tested me. I had done nothing wrong and The Hateful One began to let out all of their anger onto me, as if it was my fault that they’re an idiot.

There were so many things -warranted things- that I could say back. They deserved to be chewed out, but I held back. I held back, and I just retreated to my happy place. A place where The Hateful Ones were all sterile and couldn’t carry on their annoying genes. What a world that would be.

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