Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 59] Month Two In Retrospect

I’m going to do my “what I learned” a day early, because I enjoy posting random videos and I don’t really want to be tied down to a specific topic. I doubt anyone will mind.

This one is gonna be a bit shorter than last time becasue I have a pounding headache and I’m still sick from Casa Bonita (NEVER GO THERE IF YOU VALUE YOUR BOWELS), but speaking of short stories, here is the first thing I learned:

1. Posts don’t have to be extra long in order to make a statement.

And as for the rest of what I’ve learned:

2. I  can’t always take myself so seriously, because the only person I need to impress is myself, and I’m impressed when I get out of bed.

3. Sometimes the best moments require nothing but silence and simple contentment.

4. I don’t need a ton of friends to be happy, but having a group you realate to is kind of nice sometimes.

5. My parents are a lot cooler than I give them credit for

6. Being nice doesn’t always mean giving someone your organs; sometimes it’s enough to ignore the glaring personality traits that make you want to strangle yourself and smile in that person’s direction.

7. I was a really unassertive child.

8. Procrastinating actually makes me more stressed out, and I do not enjoy being stressed out.

9. I need to trust my abilities more.

10. Friends on the internet can be just as good of friends as friends not on the internet, but finding friends on the internet is not something I would reccomend.

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