Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 83] As Freud Would Say…

When I was a kid, I was very imaginative. I imagined the age of 10 as a rotund red-headed boy. There were points in my life that I actually thought I’d look like that when I was 10. I also thought that I’d never be able to imagine myself as any older than about six. When I used to daydream about living on a pirate ship with lots of other versions of me (I’m being completely serious), the older versions of me looked like the six year old me, except that they were taller. Reoccurring dreams were also normal for me.

The first reoccurring dream I can remember happened when I was around four or so. I was very young. The scenario was this; teenage versions of me and my friends were standing in a large, open room. Dark wood paneling, I think. In the center of this room there was a giant clock tower. The face of the clock actually formed a face, and this face was angry. There must have been an elevator inside, because the clock face would descend down to our level and pop out like a cuckoo clock to scream at us. It was terrifying, and I had this dream at least three times during my childhood.

The other reoccurring dream I’ve had started showing up when I was in late elementary school, early middle school. I was in my back yard, and the neighbors to my right were replaced by a huge mound. On top of this mound were hundreds of giant spherical boulders. They would tumble towards me, and I’d have to rush to save my dogs and chickens and goats  and these kids on our now absent swingset. I didn’t know who these kids were, I just knew that they weren’t moving and I’d have to practically drag them to safety in our garage.

Yeah. Psychoanalyze THOSE.

4 thoughts on “[Day 83] As Freud Would Say…

  1. I used to dream of being chased by lions through a desert and then flying off a cliff away from them. Not quite as fascinating as screaming clocks though.

  2. Trust me my older sister has had much crazier and terrifying dreams than this… After being subjected to her retelling hundreds of them I have been desensitized to the terror. So now dreams are just fascinating.

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