Posted in Fiction

Eugenia part 34

Read part 33 here!

“…don’t take up too much of the back seat with luggage. If Decklan gets pulled over or something you two will need somewhere to hide.”

“Jon, we’ll be fine.”

“And you guys need to stay hidden back there until you get out of the state. We can’t take any chances that a security camera or police officer will recognize one of you.”

“They only have my thirteen year old picture. I can stay in the front seat.”

“The technology is sophisticated enough to recognize aging!” Jon growled, frustrated. Jon was more stressed out than the three of us travelers combined.

“Jon, take a deep breath. Ok you guys, let’s go over this one more time. When you find someone…”

“we’ll send them to Malia’s. Then she’ll work out a place for them to stay and you guys will take turns visiting them and hearing their ideas for other routes of action.”

“Good. And just to be clear, we will not be harboring any more fugitives in our apartment.” Jon burst out. “I almost had a heart attack last week when that census worker came by and Emma was playing piano in the other room even after I told the guy Andy and Decklan were out.”

“Scouts honor.” I told him sarcastically before climbing into the back of Decklan’s car after Luke. “keep tabs on Outties, we plan on broadcasting a lot there.”

“Good luck, guys.”

“Don’t get too touchy back there, Gallagher. It’s not that cramped.” Decklan growled as Luke “accidentally” found his arm around the back of my seat. Luke chuckled, and I pretended I hadn’t noticed anything. This trip was already going to be wearing.

It seemed like only minutes before we reached the state border, although several hours had elapsed. We took one short bathroom break in a small town on our way out, because it was the only location we trusted not to have the face recognition cameras. Luke was already testing his boundaries, buying a pack of roasted pumpkin seeds with money stolen out of Decklan’s wallet. The store owner didn’t notice anything off, although Decklan was clearly out of sorts nearby.

We ate fast food for lunch, because it was cheaper and safer than a restaurant. Decklan kept the radio tuned into Outties, who I called as soon as we’d left, and that was the only sound in the car for the entire first day.

Decklan checked us into a hotel in Flagstaff, Arizona, our first destination, with Luke and I hiding in the shadows while he located and opened the room. It was only one bed, because Decklan claimed he was traveling alone, and that was the first time we all spoke.

“So who gets the bed?” Luke asked suspiciously. “I think it should be Meg. Sort of sticking it to the people who say chivalry is dead.”

“There’s no reason why Meg and I can’t share. It’s not like we’ll get up to anything dirty with you in the room.”

“Absolutely not. Are you guys even technically dating?”

“I can speak for myself, thanks.” I said grumpily. “I’d suggest we all share the bed, as it’s pretty big, but I know that’s pushing it. Decklan, I agree with you. Luke, if you don’t like it, you can sleep in the car. Now I’m going to go take a shower, and if any yelling or arguing interrupts my date with a relaxing stream of water, I swear I’m going to kill both of you. Got it?”

They nodded, glaring at each other. Rolling my eyes, I retreated into the bathroom. After a long day cramped in the backseat of Decklan’s little car, the warm water was a relief. I felt my muscles unclenching as the steady stream beat them into relaxation. My hair, short from years on the run terrified of it getting in the way, stuck to the sides of my face. The complimentary soap didn’t smell very good, something I credited to the bizarre combination of tangerine and mint leaves it advertised, but I scrubbed it on anyways. Wanting to savor the moment before having to emerge and deal with my dueling courters, I rubbed the soap in circular patterns up and down my body, so that no part of me would have lingering dirt or sweat.

Finally, I ran out of justification for staying in the shower, so I turned off the water and wrapped a threadbare white towel around my body. I brushed my teeth completely and slowly. Then I flossed for good measure, used some of the smelly complimentary lotion to smooth my legs and hands, and dried my hair a little with the towel.

Once again, I wrapped the towel around myself, having forgotten to bring a clean pair of underwear into the bathroom with the rest of my night clothes.

As I emerged from the bathroom, Decklan and Luke were glowering in opposite directions. Luke was sitting on the floor, leaning against the foot of the bed, watching TV, but it was obvious he wasn’t paying attention to it. Decklan was sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the door.

They both looked up as I came out of the bathroom, then Decklan hurriedly turned his head back to it’s original position in embarrassment. Luke had no such qualms, and stared openly. So as not to ignite another war, I just raised my eyebrow at him and motioned with my hand for him to turn around. He winked at me and slowly turned back.

This was going to be a really long couple of weeks.

Continued in part 35!

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