Posted in Blog

I am so very tired

But I am also so very happy.

People think it’s depressing that I have very few friends left from my hometown, and my high school.

People also think it’s depressing that most nights, unless I have work, intramural soccer, or class, I stay in my dorm room and watch TV on my computer or read.

And to them, I say that it must be difficult to require constant stimulation. To require human contact at all waking hours.

I live with three of my best friends in the entire world.

I have a YouTube show called Cooking with Gandalf, starring a motion censored, talking, armless Gandalf the Grey figurine.

I wrote a three minute play about zombies and a theater group on campus performed it.

I am a regular at the greatest independent coffee shop in the world.

I get to travel to Brussels in less than a year for speech and debate, and over the past two years I’ve also gotten to go to Budapest and Rome with them.

I live in Oregon.

I get to perform slam poetry at two different venues and get compliments every time I do.

I have moleskines filled to the brim with poetry and sections of fiction.

Owl City retweeted me last week.

Steve Kluger replied to my email (twice) a year ago.

I’m part of an international collab channel with six complete strangers who love all the same things I do.

I am a nerdfighter.

I am a junior in college.

I am alive.

Save your pity. I’m too busy having fun to require it.

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