Posted in Blog

It’s like I don’t even want to succeed

IMG_3043I love how even after I decide I’m only going to be blogging on Fridays I still don’t update on time. [insert post title here]

I ran out of steam revising my zombie short story, Brains, and decided to switch to blogging before realizing that I don’t actually have anything to blog about. I guess I could talk about that time Quinn spent nine hours in my dorm but the only parts of the conversation I remember were about how I would totally sacrifice him in a zombie apocalypse, how we both have terrible circulation in our hands, and how much we like pancakes. That doesn’t sound like a very interesting post.

Quinn is currently sitting across from me at Maggie’s, working hard on his thesis novella, and I feel bad about not being as productive, thus the rambly blog. At least it will LOOK like I’m doing something. Now if only I had something to talk about…

Quinn, after not being helpful at all, suggests that I blog about zombies. I know I’ve done this topic to death but the only thing I can honestly thing about right now is zombies. And “Come Together” by the Beatles, which is playing right now. So guess what you’re getting? A BLOG ABOUT ZOMBIES.

Zombies have all but saturated pop culture for the last several years, but that’s precisely why I love them so much. One of my favorite writing exercises is to take a beaten-dead-horse of a theme or topic and put my own spin on it. I feel it’s almost more difficult to make zombies or vampires fresh than it is to come up with an entirely original concept.

That’s why my zombie story features zombies that, after ingesting more and more brains, appear more and more human, and why my vampire story features an Italian chef roommate to a vampire. Both of these stories are more joke than substance at this point, but that’s fine with me. I do enjoy the jokes.

This blog really isn’t going anywhere. Sorry. I am distracted by Quinn’s white-guy-dancing to the 70s music playing. Also my computer has 33% battery left. Whoop- there goes 32%. I guess I’ll end here, while I’m ahead. (I’m not ahead)

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