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King of the Camp

I think I mentioned this in a video a while back (though I haven’t posted in a while so who knows if I’m lying or what), but this summer I have a job. A real job, unlike last year. I mean, I did get paid for a couple things last year, but it was few and far between, since I was mostly freelancing. Anyways, point is, this year I have a job with a regular paycheck and shifts and everything. What is that job, you ask? Answer: Camp counselor/coach at a summer sports camp.

That might sound a bit weird if you know me as I am right now. You know, speech and debate aficionado, writer/blogger/videoblogger extraordinaire, introverted reader, etc. In short, a giant nerd.

But six years ago, nerdy as I was, I could have also been considered something of a jock. Seriously. I played about every sport you can think of: soccer, baseball, volleyball, basketball, swim team, fencing, track, karate (for a month), tennis, you name it, I’ve probably played it at some point. And I loved it. I loved and [present tense] love sports. It’s the only type of exercise I can lose myself in, and the only time that my overly-aggressive personality is somewhat acceptable.

Being a coach for kids ages 3-13 is strange, though, so many years removed from my own athletic endeavors. Surrounded by my high school and college athlete coworkers, I almost feel like a fraud. Who am I to teach a kid how to play football when I’ve gone to a grand total of two high school football games in my entire life?

But it’s worked out. I’m better than I originally gave myself credit for. Against all my unfit odds, I’m actually really good at my job. I love sports, I love kids, and I love playing sports with kids. Match made in heaven.

Even though I have to be careful what I say since I am working with kids and I don’t want to get fired from the best summer job ever, I just wanted to share some of my favorite/craziest moments from the past three weeks.

-I’ve played one (me) vs. five (campers) basketball and won, barely.

-I’ve almost lost a HORSE game to a seven year old because he kept making granny shots that I just couldn’t imitate.

-I’ve been crawled all over by three six year olds, at the same time

-I’ve been beaned by dodgeballs from ten year olds

-I’ve been dragged into a money-borrowing scheme by an eight year old by assuring the kids he was trying to borrow from that I would call his parents the next day if he didn’t pay them back

-I’ve put more sunscreen on kids in three weeks than I’ve put on myself in my entire life

-I’ve fixed up wasp stings, skinned knees, scratched fingers, bruised noggins, and all other manner of bloody injuries.

-I’ve been called “mommy”

-I’ve given piggie backs and punishments

-I’ve taught a four year old how to throw a football

-And I’ve had a hell of a lot of fun.

It’s an exhausting job, but the rewards make it absolutely and completely worth it. But we’ll see how I feel after another couple weeks.

By the way, the picture up there is a screen shot from a video I filmed after a kid accidentally clawed me in the face during an impromptu basketball game.

One thought on “King of the Camp

  1. Very good story! Glad you’re enjoying your employment. Are you still in Oregon?
    We’re doing okay here.
    June 4th our grandson Michael died , he was 23, it is awful, we’re just putting one foot in front of the other.
    Time will heal and we’ll keep him in our hearts.
    love you Bri, love hearing from you/about you!

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