Posted in Entertainment

Laptops are the shizz

Woo I can watch movies while working on my laptop now!! Life is goooood, man.

Wow after you drink coffee your breath tastes reeeealy bad.

Oh, I had an art club fundraiser tonight. We were doing face painting at the Food Services Banquet for the kids of the cafeteria workers. I painted lots of butterflies, a couple of cats, two candy canes, and some random other things. Apparently, last year kids started asking for dragons, and no one knew how to draw them. So this year we designated the only drawer there. Well, the only specific drawing student. Right off the bat, like four kids wanted dragons. I was the butterfly girl.

So we’re watching “Kindergarten Cop”. Arnold is funny, just because he isn’t trying.

Why does he have a ferret? Why the crap does he have a ferret?? Seriously? That better come into play later, or I will forever hold it against the movie industry. FOREVER.

Wow that lady is small.

Miss Sholwolsky. Nice. She’s friggin tiny.

Aww little kids are so cute. Except for the ugly ones. But there aren’t many ugly little kids until they get to about fourth grade.

What's up, my dudes?

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