Posted in Sports

Love and Basketball

The biggest reason I’ve observed about people not liking sports is that they just don’t care for the sport at all, even I don’t like some sports. A lot of them are “boring” or “pointless” to a lot of people. However, Scarface has found the one thing that seems to make people appreciate sports more, movies!

As I’ve figured out from a lot of experience with people (including The Bri), it is much more fun to watch a sport when you “know” the people that are playing it. Sport movies do just this. If you’re watching a movie and you’ve got to know the person being portrayed, it is MUCH easier to become interested in what’s happening in the game. In this way, sport movies take out a lot of the boredom in sports.

Another way it accomplishes this is by climaxing the moments in games. This one may be even more important because it absolutely destroys the boredom that happens in most contests. Normally, only the important and exciting plays are put into a film, making it easy to watch without getting distracted.

Through both of those points, movies can make almost any sport enjoyable, even ping pong or figure skating. Because of sport movies, I’ve become interested in watching various sports because I’ve seen them played in awesome movies. I now watch some tennis, soccer, hockey, more basketball, lots more football and plenty of other sports.

So my main point is this: If you don’t like sports very much for whatever reason, try watching a sport movie. They can be inspiring and make you want to get off the couch and go try it. I’m not saying that it’ll work, some people just weren’t meant to like sports at all, that’s just the way it is. But if you feel that you could enjoy sports in some way, flip on a movie about them, you’ll never believe how much they can accomplish.

And if you’ve seen any sweet sport movies then comment and tell me about them, I’d love to see some more.

This is Scarface signing off.

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