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OK Go’s triumphant return into my heart

Remember the treadmill video? Of course you do. And while the video content quality has only gone up for this band, the music has changed significantly- particularly, it’s gotten weirder. Don’t get me wrong- OK Go’s music was weird to begin with, but it was a lot more commercially accessible in the early days. However, I recently bought their latest CD, Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, and I was pleasantly surprised. I’d given up on them for a while after they descended into the super weird post-leaving-their-label, but my faith has been restored.

Of the Blue Colour of the Sky is definitely a weird collection of weird songs, and half the time I have no idea what they’re saying (and the other half of the time is inconsistent beats with the lead singer wailing in a high-pitched voice), but I kind of love it. Especially the ten or so seconds of coherency in each song. Like the line “let it go, this too shall pass, you can’t keep letting it get you down” from, obviously, “This Too Shall Pass.” That’s the song that they made the awesome Rube-Goldberg machine for. Or the beginning guitar solo from “Needing/Getting.”

Their music is just so… interesting. And catchy as all hell, once you listen to it for a while. It just makes me want it as the soundtrack to my life- each song is epic in its own way. The beats are strong for my imaginary fight scenes, and their lyrics are thoughtful and endearing for everything else. I want to walk around with these songs in my ears forever- they make colors brighter, laughs more melodic, and the world overall more beautiful. They’re weird in almost very way possible, but they’re completely at ease with it. And I love that about them.

Insanely cool music videos aside, my favorite songs from this particular album are: This Too Shall Pass, Louisiana Land, End Love, Needing/Getting, and I Want You So Bad I Can’t Breathe.

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