Original poems, one old, one new. A bit more depressing than normal but whatever.
Super and the NULC
Nature and Our Authentic Selves

We’re gearing up to read Into The Wild for my cyber exchange class, so in preparation we’ve been reading essays about “nature” and “wilderness” and discussing the concepts exhaustively as a class. Something has come up a lot in these discussions and essays that really bothers me, and I’d like to take a moment to address it. It deals mainly with this quote by Henry David Thoreau: “In wilderness is the preservation of the world.” Continue reading “Nature and Our Authentic Selves”
Optimus Mack (Original Poem)
Uploaded as promised! I’ve done this poem before, at an actual slam, which you can find in the playlist below, but I wanted a more, er, “intimate” version because I really do like this poem.
WARNING: some profanity
Poetry playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCXGuymtJ4GsGYXljhrIPz6KgBHNZcSYx
So here’s the deal
I filmed a video for today but before editing it I wanted to import all the footage from our slam on Monday into my iMovie library, just so when I got the chance I could upload all of them. Apparently, though, the guy that filmed for us used HD and so it’s taking 7 hours to import to my library and I can’t cancel. I’ll edit/upload my BOW video tomorrow when I get the chance, but I promised a blog if I didn’t post a video, so there you are.
Starting Fresh
…with my new notebook! Today, after a snarky note from my friend Kelly on its final page, I retired my most recent moleskine that I began writing in on April 16th of last year. I love starting a new moleskine, because it’s fun seeing how far I’ve come and how much I’ve done. My moleskine, as most of you know, is my life. I keep journal entries, class notes, color-coded To-Do lists, poetry snippets, fiction excerpts, and more in it, and if I ever lost it I would go into full-blown panic mode. I am actually so attached to my moleskine that last semester, when my creative nonfiction professor had to take it to check off that I’d been writing in it and I was going through a particularly tumultuous time in my life, I actually started writing in the new journal ahead of schedule. Continue reading “Starting Fresh”
General TheseFolk
Forgive my appearance- it’s late and I am tired.
Behind the Scenes: Boxercast
Leek Lasagna
I had this whole blog post about individuality as a commodity and the book Fight Club planned and it was going to be super thought-provoking and whatnot. Then I ended up not having any free time until now, 8pm, and decided that I am too tired to make you think. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Continue reading “Leek Lasagna”
TheseFolk: Dance Party for 1
Disclaimer for potential employers: The only reason I can film videos at work is because occasionally there is no one for me to tutor. I do actual work the other 95% of the time. I promise. 😀