Show me the money!
So far this summer, I’ve made $904.48 from my camp counselor job. I’ve got four weeks of work left, so that means, if I keep up my current hours and pay, I’ll end up with 1808.96, which is… less than I need for Spain. But I’ve got savings and almost a whole year until I leave. Augh. I hate money. And being an adult. Everything is so complicated. Continue reading “Show me the money!”
My Evac Pack- Colorado Fire Response
If I were to reintroduce myself…
I know there are at least three of you who have been following this blog since the beginning. That means that you probably remember my first ever blog. If you’re not one of the original three, or you just want to refresh your memory, here’s the link. Please be kind in your rereading… I was in 8th grade (14 years old!) and clearly I was not having the best day. Why am I making you read this again? I promise, there’s a point. Continue reading “If I were to reintroduce myself…”
Spain or Bust
About two months ago, near the end of school, I wrote a blog about being super stressed out. I’m considerably less stressed out now, it being summer and all, but I wanted to expand on one of the things I was stressed about that I didn’t mention, because it’s become relevant again: monies. Continue reading “Spain or Bust”
Soldiers and Fools [Original Poem]
Nothing Like the First Time // Watsky
The last CD I reviewed was OK Go. I’m such a hipster sometimes.
Though he’s on tour at the moment, George Watsky still had time to release a new [free] mixtape on his personal Bandcamp page, and I, of course, immediately downloaded it.
Normally, I like maybe two or three out of ten songs from Watsky, who is also incidentally my favorite spoken word poet. But this album? This album is brilliant. Let’s go song by song. Continue reading “Nothing Like the First Time // Watsky”
A Brief Camp NaNo Update
A couple weeks ago I blogged about my involvement in something called “Camp NaNoWriMo”, which I’m not going to explain again because I already blogged about it. If you need a refresher, click here. Today I just want to give you some updates. Continue reading “A Brief Camp NaNo Update”
All Work and All Play
Finally! A new[ish] video!