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The Nature of Withdrawing

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog defending Bella Swan from Twilight as a character (particularly in response to New Moon). The main concern in that post regarded her reaction to Edward’s leaving.You can read the whole blog here, but I’ll refer to particular passages later on in this post. More on that in a second.

On a related note, my roommate Ellen recently read the Hunger Games trilogy after going to the midnight premiere of the first movie with me a few weeks ago. Though she thoroughly enjoyed the series, she has some issues with the ending of the trilogy, which I’ll talk about after the break because SPOILERS. Continue reading “The Nature of Withdrawing”

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On Parenthood, Childhood, and Unconditional Love

I’m not gonna name names, but a couple weeks ago one of my professors was talking about Robert Frost and made some comments that really got to me- and not in a good way. Apparently, Frost was under the impression that when it comes to parenthood, your mother is a democrat and your father is a republican, especially in regards to their male children. The professor-that-will-not-be-named really got on board with this theory, and of his two grown sons had this to say on the matter- “My sons knew they could lose my love.” Continue reading “On Parenthood, Childhood, and Unconditional Love”

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OK Go’s triumphant return into my heart

Remember the treadmill video? Of course you do. And while the video content quality has only gone up for this band, the music has changed significantly- particularly, it’s gotten weirder. Don’t get me wrong- OK Go’s music was weird to begin with, but it was a lot more commercially accessible in the early days. However, I recently bought their latest CD, Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, and I was pleasantly surprised. I’d given up on them for a while after they descended into the super weird post-leaving-their-label, but my faith has been restored. Continue reading “OK Go’s triumphant return into my heart”

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer- Thoughts from 1 season in

How fitting that I’m talking about vampire slayers on Friday the 13th. Couldn’t have planned that better myself. So after spending my entire spring break watching the entirety of How I Met Your Mother (that’s six and a half seasons in less than a week, for those of you counting), I needed a new show. I finished the third season of Battlestar Galactica afterwards, but I wanted something I hadn’t seen before. And after all I knew about Joss Whedon and my own nerdiness, it made sense to get into Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Continue reading “Buffy the Vampire Slayer- Thoughts from 1 season in”

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A Valedictorian’s Valediction

I’ve been trying to write this poem for two years. I even tried writing a blog about the same subject, back in February of my senior year of high school. But it was kind of angry and not productive, and by the end of it I just got depressed. I was never happy with it, even though I had all these things to say. So finally I came up with something I’m happy with, and here it is. I don’t even use the “f” word in it! Continue reading “A Valedictorian’s Valediction”