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Snow White and the Huntsman: Oh. It’s K-Stew.

Why is she an actress again? So for those of you who are a little out of the loop, there’s a live action, re imagined version of Snow White being made, and someone thought it was a good idea to cast Kristen Stewart as Snow White. Why? WHY THE F-

Aside from the obvious problem I have with this casting choice, which is that Kristin Stewart does not look like a princess by ANY stretch of the imagination (unless it’s a RAT princess you’re talking about, in which case… I’m sorry Kristen Stewart I’m sure you’re a very nice person…..), the other problem is that Kristen Stewart is NOT AN ACTRESS. To prove my case (on the off chance no one has seen the Twilight movies and hasn’t yet been introduced to the crapstorm that is her portrayal of Bella) I took a screenshot of every appearance she makes in the recent teaser trailer they released. You can watch the trailer (which, aside from K-Stew, looks AWESOME) below:

I know what you’re thinking. “You don’t have anything to worry about, crazy-yet-still-hot Charlize Theron. You’re definitely still the fairest of them all.” And I know what you thought after that, too. “Why is Snow White wearing armor?”

Even though she never said anything in this minute and a half, I will now present to you how I know, FOR A FACT, that Kristen Stewart is a terrible choice for what could be a freaking awesome movie.





Sigh. The next time they release a trailer, I’ll probably do this again, to further my point that KRISTEN STEWART HAS NO OTHER EXPRESSION OTHER THAN CONFUSED BOREDOM.

I’m done. I promise. Back to editing.

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