Posted in Blog


So even though I’m writing this a week early, you’ll get to read it the day I start classes for my sophomore year of college. This post is generally just going to be about my school year goals, but can we take a break for a second and reflect on the fact that I AM A SOPHOMORE IN COLLEGE. There’s now even less time to buffer my eventual emergence into the “real world”, and it’s sort of terrifying. I don’t know how to do taxes, or pay rent, or get a job that isn’t facilitated by my parents (not joking). And it’s especially terrifying, because, you know, I’m majoring in creative writing and unless I pull a Rick Castle and get published during college, I’m probably going to be working a lot of corners after I graduate. And by corners, I mean PROSTITUTION. (Kidding. Sort of)

But let’s move past the fact that HOLY CRAP MY NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL EJECT ME FROM TEENAGERDOM and get right into my goals, of which I have several.

Decide on a minor

Because creative writing is, for all intents and purposes, a pretty useless major in terms of getting a job, I figure adding a minor will at LEAST make it look like I did something more during my college years. The question is… what? I have to declare by the end of this year, and I really would like to have a minor of some sorts. Right now, I’m thinking theater, but we’ll see.

Eat bettah

College is notorious for having few healthy eating options, and I don’t want to fall into that again. This summer, as you guys know, I tried really hard to exercise and learn to cook things other than mac and cheese, and I don’t want all that work to go to waste during the school year. We’ve got a kitchen in our dorm this year, so I want to make it an official thing to work on my nutrition. (Is “work on my nutrition” a lyric from a song? Because I feel like it is. Maybe from the 80s?)

Get 150 YouTube subscribers

Yeah. I know. Ambitious. But as of RIGHT NOW (1 week ago, at the time of the writing of this post) I have 107 subscribers, which means that I’ve really only got 43 to go, and 43 over a period of about 9 months makes out to be… 4 a month. Which REALLY shouldn’t be that hard. I’ve been posting videos regularly for over a year now (every Thursday!), and so it stands to reason that the consistency of that will help me out. Also, my collab channel will [hopefully] start posting again September 5th, which will also help bring in new subs. I really like YouTube, and I hope that soon I’ll have an audience to match my excitement over this new media.

Be social-er

It’s no secret that about half my time last year was spent in front of my computer watching TV. And that’s really not a good pattern to get into. College is supposed to be about expanding my horizons, and sitting in my room watching online videos is SO high school. Also, it stands to reason that the more friends I lose from back home, the more I should make up in the big OR. So I resolve to spend less time alone, which is, as you’re aware, a BIG STEP for ol’ Bri. But I turn 20 in like 6 months. 20-somethings are supposed to have all sorts of friends, right? RIGHT?

Go to a concert

Whether this means an on-campus concert or one I find nearby via that cool Facebook app I got, I want to go see more live music, because I absolutely adore live music. That is all.

Get someone famous to @reply me on Twitter

Yeah, yeah, I know. By “someone famous” I can mean anyone from John Green to Phillip Defranco, from John Hodgeman to Zachary Quinto. (But let’s be honest. Who I really want an @reply from is Zachary Quinto)

(mmmmmm Zachary Quinto)



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