Posted in Blog

Summertime makes me drowsy

…And thus I’ve been getting next to nothing done. During the school year it’s easy to be productive because I already have to be awake and walking around in the morning, and once it gets to be about 3pm and I’m done with class, I can head to the coffee shop to get some much needed productivity out of the way. But during the summer, I either have absolutely no reason to get out of my wonderfully giant, warm bed, or I have to go to work at 7am and I don’t get off until 6pm, at which time I’m really not feeling the productivity buzz at all.

Basically, I become a fifteen year old boy in the summertime and this is a problem because it makes it hard to keep up with my website, etc etc. Which is WHY, for the first time in months, I’m actually blogging ON THE DAY the blog is posted. Weird.

I don’t really have anything in particular I want to talk about. I retract everything I said in my blog on Friday because I decided to, once again, change which book idea I’m using for my senior thesis, but I didn’t have a blog to replace it so I just left it up. It’s not like anyone reads this crap anyways. Whatevs.

So my friend Chad is officially gone for the summer as of yesterday afternoon, which sucks, because he’s one of the two people I regularly hang out with during the summertime. The second person is Rachel, who, after returning from Europe in a couple weeks, will almost immediately turn around and leave for summer school in Utah. LE SUCK.

Burn Notice comes back on the 14th of June. Remember when I was really obsessed with that show? Can’t wait!

Doctor Who comes back in October. I’ll repeat… LE SUCK.

How I Met Your Mother comes back probably around the same time as Doctor Who. Pbbbt.

Sherlock comes back… sometime in 2013. SUCK SUCK SUCK.

My life basically revolves around TV shows now. It’s really pathetic.

This counts as a blog, right? Please tell me this counts as a blog. I have other things to do today. (excuses, excuses) I’ll have something less useless for you on Friday. Hopefully. Ok. Bye.

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