The Parade of Lights was always the highlight of my year as a kid. My parents would start getting my brother and I ready an hour before we left, handing us several layers of clothing; long underwear, two pairs of thick woolen socks, jeans, sweater, ski jacket, scarf, and padded ski gloves. It was never enough. But I didn’t mind. Continue reading “[Day 13] The Parade of Lights”
Tag: christmas
Well, Merry Christmas Scarface! I decided to sub in for you today, so I’ll continue on a point you made last week. I made a comment on his blog saying the Broncos were going to be crushed by the Chargers, and, well, exactly that happened. The Broncos were up by THREE GAMES, and only had to win ONE to make it to the playoffs, but they blew it. The Chargers on the other hand, had to WIN three in a row, and did just that. On a sad note though, the Chiefs did not make it to the playoffs despite my hopes that the other teams in the division would cease to exist. Oh well, always next year!
Something Corporate
…Is a good band.
But that’s not the issue I want to talk about today. Because it’s the holiday season, I want to talk about a more festive topic.
I am one of the millions of kids around the US that believed in Santa. Heck, I believed up until 6th grade, when my [younger!] brother’s guitar teacher ruined it for me. Granted, I was leaning towards disbelief, having figured out the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny, but Santa was real for the longest time.
Recently, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune was unable to publish an article about the existence of Santa in the newspaper, so the Tribune posted it online instead. This was because many readers expressed that their children read the newspaper and didn’t want their childhoods crushed. Also, acclaimed author of A Great and Terrible Beauty, Libba Bray posted a blog on her LiveJournal about breaking the news of Santa’s fictional character to her ten year old son. She talked about how hard that was, for the both of them.
So I ask you, you few readers of BOW, is Santa a good idea? I know that I for one was not particularly crushed when I found out he wasn’t real, and it has not caused me to distrust my parents any more than before (hah. hah. I joke). It did make Christmas Eve a lot less fun and exciting, I suppose. However, I also know that some kids do feel duped to be lied to, and hold that against their parents. Even Bray’s son, although her forgave his mother, said “I don’t like it when you lie to me. It makes me not trust you,” then said “Well, I’ve told you some lies, too. Little ones. I mean, we’re just people. People do that.”
And he’s right. People do lie. So is the Santa lie one that we should be willing to risk? I’m torn on the subject, since it depends on the kid how vehemently they respond to the news, but also since I enjoyed being lied to for those eleven-odd years and don’t really hold it against anyone.
We’ll discuss the holiness of the holiday tomorrow. Today, it’s Santa. Talk! Discuss!
Chop chop, he says I’m gonna win big
the Red Hot Chili Peppers are weird.
So, first I’d just like to mention how thankful I am for everyone who has been blogging and commenting lately. It warms my heart to see the thoughtful, intelligent posts and debates going on. I’d also like to say that my little bro, Godfather, has come a long way. His blogs, although not perfect, like mine(obviously), are actually pretty good. I’M even reading and enjoying them. Love ya, bro.
I’d also like to talk about what the esteemed webmistress is looking forward to seeing under her tree this Christmas:
-Gift cards to either Gap, Old Navy, Barnes and Nobles, or Borders.
-Music: “We sing. We dance. We steal things.-Jason Mraz CD”, any Jack’s Mannequin CD, any Metro Station CD, or a Meg and Dia CD.
-Black peacoat (These things are freaking expensive, though. If I wasn’t so cheap, I might have bought one myself a while ago)
-Red Converse, size 8 (I prefer the ankle ones… not high tops)
-Jason Mraz Calendar (or any calendar, I guess)
-Cool, non-holiday themed socks (that aren’t too thick)
–This shirt
-Teeshirts from Snorg, BustedTees, or Threadless
-For the school newspaper to spell my name right
-Religious tolerance
-For the California Supreme Court to overturn Prop. 8
-For there to be a new human rights issue I can talk about, because gay marriage and abortion are getting old
-For either Jason Mraz, Liam Aiken, or Michael Phelps to propose to me
Oh, yeah, and world peace.
Actually, no. With Bart, I don’t think that’s ever possible.
Post your own wish lists! If you want me to hyperlink anything, let me know.