Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 16] You Can’t Take It With You

Photo 309So I’ve decided to change Thursdays to “do something nice for someone else”, which is pretty much what I’m doing anyways. It’s just easier to fit things into a category like that, and it makes this project just slightly less selfish and narcissistic. And before I start this post, I just want to suggest that everyone go out and buy the “Nothing Personal” album from All Time Low. It’s amazing. Continue reading “[Day 16] You Can’t Take It With You”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 15] I’m over getting older

Photo 289Lately, I’ve been getting into tea. I didn’t get into coffee until about last year, so I figured that tea, which won’t brown my teeth and stunt my growth, would be a good new habit to get into. So this summer I bought some tea at the local health food store (one kind to help me sleep and one kind to repress appetite) and tried to acclimate. It kind of worked, but I’m sorry, tea just tastes like weirdly flavored, piping hot water. I even tried Chai at Starbucks, but that just tastes like cold egg nog with a kick. Eh. But I really want to like tea. It is the coffee of sophisticated people! In pursuit of my imagined intellectual image, today, instead of my normal hot chocolate, I filled up my travel mug with Earl Gray tea. Continue reading “[Day 15] I’m over getting older”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 14] Star-Struck Lovers

Photo 290Yesterday was crap. I missed half of government to go to a two minute orthodontist appointment, where my orthodontist told me that I must be wearing my retainer a lot (LIES). Then I didn’t go home after school until three hours after school ended, because I went to get my allergy shot, then I went to get some dog food, then I got my brother a water bottle and dropped it off at his tennis practice. My allergy shot made my arm swell up and I was in pain, plus I got really stressed about my psychology test the next day and the fact that I have no money for college. On top of all this and a minor breakdown -tears included-  I didn’t sleep all night. So. Yeah. Bad day. Continue reading “[Day 14] Star-Struck Lovers”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 10] He thinks like a sociopath

Photo 209There aren’t very many kids my age that live near me. The number is three, total, not counting the one slightly further away who tortured me from 2nd to 6th grade(not Dylan, this is another jerk). We all went to the same elementary school, but only one ended up going to my middle school. She was way too shy and I was way too socially awkward to remain friends for long. So we didn’t. Continue reading “[Day 10] He thinks like a sociopath”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 9] Naturally Curious

Two years ago, standing in the sophomore hall of our high school, my friends and I found a folded note on top of the fire Photo 265extinguisher. The paper was a bright yellow and inside, there was some text and handwriting both. The text read: What’s YOUR secret? Write down one of your school-appropriate secrets that not many know for the yearbook. If you feel comfortable, you can write your name. If not, that’s ok too. Thanks! The person who was given this slip of paper wrote something profane that I won’t repeat but had to do with… relations with another student that we all knew. Continue reading “[Day 9] Naturally Curious”

Posted in Blog

How long has it been since I last blogged?

Too long. I am sorry. Possible excuses: 1. I’ve been busy. That’s true, but how many hours do I spend in front of YouTube when I’m NOT busy? 2. I’m always too tired. This is also true, but again, there have been plenty of opportunities in which I could have blogged earlier in the day before I exhausted myself. So if it’s not #1 and it’s not #2, then it must be #3… I’m a lazy and horrible Continue reading “How long has it been since I last blogged?”