Posted in Blog, Teenage Life

Ten things I never thought I’d enjoy

Esel Nr. 2
Creative Commons License photo credit: dustpuppy

There comes a point in my life that I have to admit some things about myself. I’m bossy, I’m mean, I’m a dork, and most of all, I am very stubborn. This stubbornness makes it hard for me to change my mind sometimes, but when I do, it’s often quite drastic. These are the top ten things in my life that I never expected to enjoy, but do. Continue reading “Ten things I never thought I’d enjoy”

Posted in Teenage Life


Why do we spend so much time on there? Why is it so addicting? What are we gaining from it?
These are my Facebook habits.
1) Although I’ve been tagged numerous times, I haven’t done that 25 Things about me or whatever. Why? Because I think it is creepy. And so fake. You spend who knows how long deciding the perfect things to say about yourself so everyone who reads it will have just the right impression of you. Is that who you really are? No, it’s edited and refined down to a list of the twenty five things that make you oh so special. Plus, I don’t flatter myself into thinking anyone is really going to care about me.
2) I don’t post pictures religiously. Who is going to look at them? Who knows what random person is going to decide to find out all about you one day? Pictures are usually for my enjoyment only.
3) I don’t put information about myself on there, because the only people who are going to look at it are my friends and if they’re my friends then they already know about me and if they want to see some pictures, all they have to do is ask.
4) Hence,I use Facebook as a tool purely to spy on other people. I AM ONE OF THOSE CREEPERS WHO COULD BE READING THROUGH EVERY SINGLE POST ON YOUR WALL AND SAVING YOUR PICTURES TO MY DESKTOP. Everyone else lives on Facebook, but I have an account only so I can see what everyone else is doing and laugh at what everyone else thinks is important enough to put on there, or how long they must’ve slaved looking for the perfect status message.

No offense to anyone who loves Facebook. I love Facebook. I can’t stay off of it. It’s great and makes you feel good about yourself. Just when you stop to really think why we are so consumed with it, it’s interesting.
Facebook is more of a popularity contest than anything. A competition to see who everyone likes the most. (I usually lose those types of things. Perhaps that is why I am so critical).

Have a good time on there. Be sure to include names and dates so I can REALLY get to know you.

Posted in Blog, Bri, Teenage Life


18 people are online on Facebook, and not one of them is someone I want to talk to. Well, I could talk to a couple, but they aren’t the people I really want to talk to. Don’t ask, because I’m not going to explain.

But do you know what I love? When people ignore you. No, really. I just love that feeling of absolute worthlessness. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, eh? If that were true, I could be a gold medal weight lifter.

There is more than one way to ignore someone. One of which is just that, avoiding or excluding someone. Another, though, is refusing to write someone back, return a comment, reply to a message or email. The first one, admittedly less subtle, actually is better than the second. Know why? Because the second one is harder to detect. Let me take you through an example.

Lets say you email or call someone, someone you’d kind of like to reply. Maybe they’re a crush. Anyways. After a day, or maybe even less time, you get a bit restless. No one else is talking to you, so there’s nothing to distract you. You just kind of sit there, in front of the phone, or the computer. Well, ok. Maybe they’re hanging with the family, or friends. Maybe they just didn’t see it yet. So you get over it, go eat or whatever.

After two days, you know that they have HAD to either have gotten on the internet or checked their messages. After staring at the communication device of choice for a while, you rationalize. Maybe they checked it as they were leaving, and didn’t get a chance to reply. Yeah, that must be it. You give yourself a couple more minutes to stare; maybe they’ll get online or call you back. No such luck, so repeating the rationalization like a mantra, you go back to your life.

After three days, you start freaking out. They’re had AMPLE time to check and reply to whatever you sent them. Why haven’t they replied?? What if you said something that made them mad? If it was an email, you read the sent message closely to identify any potentially offensive lines. You find none. If it was a phone call or text, you run over what you said in your mind. No, nothing too bad. Well, maybe they’ve just been really, really busy. It’s a stretch, but who knows. You spend way too much time by your phone or computer, but the time all blurs together until you have to go do something else. If not for the toilet, you may have never moved. There’s always an explanation, you tell yourself.

Five days later, there are three options:

1. They got it a while ago and forgot to reply

2. They have no intention of replying, whether they read or listened to it or not.

3. They’ve died in a tragic accident.

You rule out the last one, since you just asked someone and they assure you that whoever you’re trying to talk to is still, in fact, breathing. By now, this is getting ridiculous. So you write, call, or text them again, asking what the heck their problem is. Now, another one of three things will happen:

1. They write or call back and apologize. They’ve been busy.

2. They come to your house to apologize in person, with a dozen roses.

3. They ignore that as well.

If it’s option 3, the process I’ve just described repeats itself, only worse. I mean, if you don’t want to talk to me, just freaking tell me. It’s easier for everyone. All this alluding my calls and email crap is cowardly. ESPECIALLY when I know, for a fact, that you’ve had time and the ability to get back to me.

For the record, I’m not really talking about anyone specifically, I’m just giving my opinion on the subject.

My head hurts.