Posted in Teenage Life


So I was driving home from school today…and I was driving down a back road where this oldish man was walking along the side of the road. I saw him wave at the truck that was in front of me, and immediately after, he waved at me! And I waved back! Enthusiastically!

That was pretty much the best part of my day. It put me on some sort of high…

So if I can be made this happy by some random person I don’t even know waving at me, imagine how happy you can make other random people. I’ve become increasingly aware of how rude people are to each other these days…like we think it’s below us to acknowledge someone else’s mere existance.

Acknowledge the existance of your fellow human beings. It’s polite.

Because that guy waved at me, I’ve said hi to everyone I’ve seen or passed since then.

You know you want to do it too.

Posted in Teenage Life


It seems to me like the motivation for living is to be different than everyone else. Through our experiences, we’ve seen other people crash and burn and ideas fade away and innovations fail, and we want to make sure that doesn’t happen to us too. We want to find our own way of going through life and our own way of making decisions and have our own identity and believe that yes, if we try hard enough, things CAN change. You CAN be different. Continue reading “Patterns”

Posted in Blog


I though school was dragging on in September. Monotony monotony monotony. Let’s get to winter break already. That was insignificant compared to how I felt once January rolled around. I was tired of it being cold and for no good reason. I dreaded each new snowfall. I was bitter, having to wake up in the dark and have to scrape ice off my car and not have my car heated until I was at school, where I had to suffer through the day learning nothing of substance and generally feeling depressed and wanting to move to Hawaii.

Now, that spring is here, comes the worst onslaught of what i suppose to be senioritis that i’ve ever had. And I’m not even justified, because I’m not a senior. I don’t know if I’m going to have any laziness and lack of motivation left by the time it’s actually acceptable.

With the coming of warm weather and chirping birds, I feel happy. And because I feel happy, I do not want to spend my time doing things that make me unhappy. Today, I realized how utterly easy it would be to just give up. To just not show up to the classes I don’t want to go to. To not turn in assignments I don’t feel like doing. To go to Taco Bell every single day because it’s cheap and hot. To watch TV all the time.

It sounds so very appealing to just not struggle and just be happy with mediocrity.

And I’m going to be honest. If it weren’t for wanting to go to college, I would give up. I’m trying to figure out how to pull through this. It’s easy to stack up all the things that make life miserable, but its harder to string together the little things that make life worth it.


people who have given up on life. If you do not wish to end up like that, stay in school and realize that sometimes, sleeping in is just more important than duty.

Posted in Teenage Life


Why do we spend so much time on there? Why is it so addicting? What are we gaining from it?
These are my Facebook habits.
1) Although I’ve been tagged numerous times, I haven’t done that 25 Things about me or whatever. Why? Because I think it is creepy. And so fake. You spend who knows how long deciding the perfect things to say about yourself so everyone who reads it will have just the right impression of you. Is that who you really are? No, it’s edited and refined down to a list of the twenty five things that make you oh so special. Plus, I don’t flatter myself into thinking anyone is really going to care about me.
2) I don’t post pictures religiously. Who is going to look at them? Who knows what random person is going to decide to find out all about you one day? Pictures are usually for my enjoyment only.
3) I don’t put information about myself on there, because the only people who are going to look at it are my friends and if they’re my friends then they already know about me and if they want to see some pictures, all they have to do is ask.
4) Hence,I use Facebook as a tool purely to spy on other people. I AM ONE OF THOSE CREEPERS WHO COULD BE READING THROUGH EVERY SINGLE POST ON YOUR WALL AND SAVING YOUR PICTURES TO MY DESKTOP. Everyone else lives on Facebook, but I have an account only so I can see what everyone else is doing and laugh at what everyone else thinks is important enough to put on there, or how long they must’ve slaved looking for the perfect status message.

No offense to anyone who loves Facebook. I love Facebook. I can’t stay off of it. It’s great and makes you feel good about yourself. Just when you stop to really think why we are so consumed with it, it’s interesting.
Facebook is more of a popularity contest than anything. A competition to see who everyone likes the most. (I usually lose those types of things. Perhaps that is why I am so critical).

Have a good time on there. Be sure to include names and dates so I can REALLY get to know you.

Posted in Teenage Life

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y that’s our ______ battle cry!!

So I think Pep Assemblies are the closest thing on earth to hell.
I was ok with them being banned. I really was. I see no good reason why we should all be forced into a large, crowded, hot old gym and be forced to make fools of ourselves.
This particular pep assembly featured a dance-off between juniors and seniors. First of all, this is asking for trouble. Teenagers are terrible dancers! I was prepared to plug my ears and shut my eyes and maybe think about Jason Mraz, since it helps Bri so much.
The six juniors who participated surprised me by actually choreographing something that didn’t feature anything you might see at a typical school dance. It was a little awkward but compared to the horror that followed, they should’ve been on So You Think You Can Dance (not that that says much).
The seniors made me ashamed to be alive. There were about six boys, and, true to form, the shirts came off about fifteen seconds in. I stared in appalled horror as they proceeded to put on the worse display of “What Senior Boys Think About 24/7” that I’ve ever seen.
Really? Do I have to go to school with these people? Why am I forced to go watch their basketball games? They are apes wearing clothing (up to the waist, anyway).
Oh, and i should mention that the principal was gone during this. Which is a shame, because if he’d seen the senior dance, he might’ve banned pep assemblies.

THEN, before I could recover, they made us do a CHEER CONTEST!!!! Have you ever experienced being in a place so noisy that all the noise blends into silence? First of all, they pick the fastest and wordiest cheer in our school’s arsenal, so that you couldn’t tell what the heck they were saying. I didn’t bother cheering. Why should I, when there are so many other people wanting to act like idiots? They make up for my absence. The seniors won. They have to redeem themselves somehow, and i guess they can only do this by proving they can make the most noise.

Then they did another stupid contest that involved a lot of cheating, but who cares?

After all of this, I’m not even sure what we were supposed to be pepped about.
I’ll admit. I’m a cynical low-life. I’ve never participated in the cheer contest. I’ve never volunteered to stick my face in a pie. I’ve never danced to soulja boy crank that in front of hundreds of people. I am not a peppy person.
This is how I show pride in my school. I try to get good grades. I don’t get in fights. I don’t clog up the hallway. I don’t make too much noise or create disturbance. I don’t spill my drinks on the floor. I don’t write vulgar things in the bathroom. I don’t make fun of teachers. I don’t randomly pound my fist into a locker.
Pep Assemblies do not work for me. I can find my own way of fitting in at my school. Everyone else is free to yell and haze and mosh and run around with their shirts off if that’s what works for them, but I sort of find more fulfillment at least striving for maturity.

Sorry. I try, but I really just can’t stand teenagers sometimes.

Posted in Books

On Writing

not only is Stephen King twisted, crude, and terrifying, but he’s also brilliant.
This book is a refreshing nonfiction addition to his works, and it’s very good for all aspiring writers. Not only do you learn what not to do when you write, you learn about Stephen King and he’s even kind enough to give you blurbs about how he got his book ideas, which taught me, at least, that I don’t want to read them.

So, if you’re going to be a well-read person, you have to know Stephen King, and this book is pretty much everything you need to know. It’s funny, creative, smart, and interesting. He had a wildly cool life, for the most part.

most of all, however, this book reminds us that anyone can be an author. All they have to do is write.

Posted in Books

My Name is Asher Lev

Why did I like this book?
I don’t know.
It’s the only book I’ve been forced to read in school that i actually enjoyed.
First of all, this is a very character driven novel. And I love Asher Lev. He is the greatest. I connect with him in some weird way. He’s a Jewish boy trying to find a balance of religion and family and passion, struggling to find a point where it doesn’t feel like you’re going to fall of the edge of a cliff if you move too quickly.
His passion is art (if you don’t like art I don’t think you’d get as involved as I did). It’s more than his passion, it’s the substance of his existence. He doesn’t like the things the Jewish religion allows him to paint, however, he’s not sure if he wants to give up his tradition and way of live to pursue some vast, unknowable, dangerous dream.
This books takes him from a young boy to a man, and every step of the journey he is met with confusion, fear, opposition, and enlightenment. His father is overbearing, his mother is haunted, and he is much too good for the world.
Now that you’re hanging off a cliff, I won’t give away the ending!! hah hah. This is not a cliffhanging book, but it’s a thoughtful portrait of the life of a Jewish boy in America during WWII who loves art.
and that’s all.

suggested for: bored people, artists, atheists, Jews, Mormons, Catholics, WWII veterans, Protestants, Buddhists, hungry people, relaxed people, mature people.

and here’s a joke

how many mystery writers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Two, one to screw it in almost all the way, and another to give it a surprising twist at the end.

Posted in Books

My New Calling

Is reviewing books. I’m not sure how well this will go over since the books I read don’t usually appeal to a ton of people.
But get over it, you don’t have to read it.

Here is an example: I recently finished House of the Seven Gables, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and now I will review it for your viewing pleasure.

First off, I like Nathaniel Hawthorne. He’s very witty; throwing in these metaphors that you wouldn’t normally consider but that made a ton of sense when you think about it. I chuckled aloud a couple times. I enjoyed his writing style, even though it did tend to ramble-and I mean ramble. Long descriptive passages.
Also, in recent years, I traveled to Boston and went on a day trip to Salem, where I saw the very house that inspired Hawthorne’s novel. That whole town is creepy. The house is definitely not an exception, so I was excited to read his book about said house.

Second off, the characters are great. They are all very flawed and very human, not the normal beautiful girl and the tall dark handsome bachelor. The main character is an old woman named Hepzibah and I LOVE HER! There is also her cousin Pheobe, who is young and zealous and not annoyingly perfect like some other book characters. There’s Clifford, the mysterious and more than a little crazy brother, and the infamous Judge, whom nobody likes. A lot of the central conflict in this novel is between the characters.

Third, the plot was…subtle. I read the jacket of the book and I was like sweet! mysterious deaths, old creepy house, weird people! (that’s what I like reading about 😀 ) After about the first five chapters, however, there was not more than one mysterious death, no creepiness, and no real issues. I had a hard time figuring out what was going on, you really have to pay attention. This book is very much a character driven novel, but it helps to know what’s happening. So i stopped reading it for awhile cause it just wasn’t what I expected it to be. This is a classic?? kind of stuff.
So if you are not accustomed to reading too many 19th C authors, or classics in general, you will want to look at the plot outline on sparknotes. it will make you excited to read and or finish this book. (yes I’m lame, but hey, whatever it takes to finish). A book is not enjoyable if you don’t know what’s going on. So know what’s going on. TGFS.

Fourth, it was a good book. Unusual, and thoughtful, and appropriately creepy.

But if you’re not into setting out blocks of time in which to read, or you just hate books published before 1900, I suggest you look elsewhere.

So long, happy reading….

Posted in Issues

You’d Think There’d Be Progress

i have never lived in a cave.
when i visit caves, I don’t feel some uncontrolled, strong pull towards it like it was my home. Caves creep me out. When I see guys with rippling muscles and broad shoulders, I don’t think of his ability to protect the cave and hunt big game. I don’t care about guys being able to wrestle mammoths.
Basically, I don’t have any caveman-ish instincts. but according to popular science, we are all cavemen and of course cavewomen at heart.
Funny how that brief period in human existence is said to dictate human nature. wouldn’t human nature have evolved along with everything else? no, there seems to be some things that just can’t be changed.
Basically, you have no control over your primal instincts because that’s obviously what humans live by…the lives they never had as cavemen.
I think it’s silly to blame everything on cavemen survival tactics, since most people now have never experienced that. Somehow, though, it’s hardwired with genetics. How come life in grand junction doesn’t get passed on? it’s just the caves. I couldn’t care less about life in a cave. The reason humans live is to be able to get OUT of the cave and life better lives than their ancestors or anybody else…
I don’t really believe in the subconscious, and I especially don’t know how cavemen could’ve had such an effect on that. Who knows what cavemen were really like, anyway? I think humans just like to blame their actions on cavemen-ish things.
If the point of survival is to reproduce, I think we’ve grown out of that. why bother getting an education and having laws and government if only to reproduce? We want something more for ourselves than that, so we should forget about “human nature” and start facing the consequences of our own desires and actions. We’re totally capable of controlling our thoughts. We’re not cavemen anymore. Humans are not essentially good or bad. We choose to be what we are, and cavemen were certainly not responsible for that.

Posted in Teenage Life

In Bri’s Absense, and For Her Sake

K I'm writing something on here because it will feel empty without something new. And for the sake of newness, it's going to be in a different font.

Well. I really have nothing to say, nothing to muse about, nothing to deliberate. I have nobody to talk to, and nothing that I want to do. As Brianna said, I'm all alooone. Everybody's gone and abandoned me with no computer access and not caring to call. Well, I guess I'm doing that to them next week! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha ok I'll shut up. I hate wind. It's so noisy. Why can't nature be more considerate for those of us who are sleeping? Speaking of noise, my neighbor has this pond that used to have bullfrogs in it that made the most atrocious croaks at night, but I don't hear them anymore, and after four years of hearing them every summer night, I rather miss it. It's quite unsettling. That was a long sentence. My language arts teacher would kill me for putting four commas in the same sentence. Nobody's going to read this, what am I babbling on and on like this for? It's not as if anybody cares about the bullfrogs living next door. I don't even care about them. It's just that I am SOO RELIANT ON OTHER PEOPLE TO ENTERTAIN ME THAT THIS IS ALL THAT COMES OUT OF MY HEAD WHEN I'M LEFT ALONE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I need to go to REI. Too bad I have no money and no way of getting there. I'm also reliant on my parents. Heh heh. As it should be…I should enjoy it now before I'm dirt poor and living in a rat infested apartment building, starving and freezing…

Well that was definitely the most exciting part of my day. Fonts and colors are fun.

The End