Posted in Issues

You’d Think There’d Be Progress

i have never lived in a cave.
when i visit caves, I don’t feel some uncontrolled, strong pull towards it like it was my home. Caves creep me out. When I see guys with rippling muscles and broad shoulders, I don’t think of his ability to protect the cave and hunt big game. I don’t care about guys being able to wrestle mammoths.
Basically, I don’t have any caveman-ish instincts. but according to popular science, we are all cavemen and of course cavewomen at heart.
Funny how that brief period in human existence is said to dictate human nature. wouldn’t human nature have evolved along with everything else? no, there seems to be some things that just can’t be changed.
Basically, you have no control over your primal instincts because that’s obviously what humans live by…the lives they never had as cavemen.
I think it’s silly to blame everything on cavemen survival tactics, since most people now have never experienced that. Somehow, though, it’s hardwired with genetics. How come life in grand junction doesn’t get passed on? it’s just the caves. I couldn’t care less about life in a cave. The reason humans live is to be able to get OUT of the cave and life better lives than their ancestors or anybody else…
I don’t really believe in the subconscious, and I especially don’t know how cavemen could’ve had such an effect on that. Who knows what cavemen were really like, anyway? I think humans just like to blame their actions on cavemen-ish things.
If the point of survival is to reproduce, I think we’ve grown out of that. why bother getting an education and having laws and government if only to reproduce? We want something more for ourselves than that, so we should forget about “human nature” and start facing the consequences of our own desires and actions. We’re totally capable of controlling our thoughts. We’re not cavemen anymore. Humans are not essentially good or bad. We choose to be what we are, and cavemen were certainly not responsible for that.

Posted in Teenage Life

Fashion Expo Part Cuatro!!

Ah, shirts. People always mention how girls have so many shoes, but they don’t even consider shirts! Even as a relatively un-fashionable person, I have a variety of upper body coverings. But do they compliment my “form”? And what about jewelry and other such accessories? According to my strenuous and mind numbing research, there are a lot of things I need to consider and have on hand:

  • Jackets that hit right below the natural waist or right past the hips
  • Don’t get shirts that are too tight or too loose, but make sure they’re “fitted” (form fitting not tight)
  • V-necks or wide necklines
  • Vertical stripes (They make you seem thinner and taller)
  • Long necklaces (apparently, this also makes you look taller)
  • Thin fabrics (These are apparently thinning as well)
  • Light colors (Especially with darker pants… it brings the eyes up)
  • Shirts that are longer than where your jeans lay
  • Giant rings (usually fake)
  • Thick, bold colored braceletes
  • Lots of jewelry of any kind to choose from

Whew. That’s a lot. So my total percentage is… 54%! I’m moving up in the world. For the record, I have none of the jewelry requirements. My numbers came from the shirt stuff. This probably comes from the fact that, like I mentioned before, I’m still growing out of my six year tomboy stage.

So what does jewelry do for us, anyways? Sure, some of it is kind of pretty, but unlike with makeup, it doesn’t really accentuate YOU. It just makes the outfit more interesting, which to me seems like a waste. But what’s even more of a waste is this new trend of thick, bright, large accessories like the picture below.

Ok, I’m sorry, but these are so ugly! I don’t generally like wrist and finger trinkets anyways, but come on. What is so “hip” about thick, gaudy, potruding jewelry? Basically, this is taking a giant hunk of cheap, brightly colored plastic and putting a hole in it big enough to stick our greedy hands into.

So then I ran my shirt wardrobe against all the tips and “fashion don’ts” to see how it held up. Not surprisingly, it was depleted to 57% of the original size. That’s 16 out of the 28 shirts in my closet that don’t fit our fashion standards!

    Why should I throw away more than half my closet to appease my more “fashion inclined” peers? Why should anyone feel pressured to throw away or not purchase at all the shirts that they think are cute just to fit in? Our society is so aesthetically concious that it’s becoming the only thing that matters. Here’s my theory: sure, appearence counts, but if someone chooses not to like me or hire me because of the clothes I wear in a casual setting, then it’s their loss.

Posted in Teenage Life

Fashion Expo Part Tres!! Pants and (OMG) Shoes

Aren’t shoes supposed to me a girl’s best friend? Or second best friend to jewlrey at least. I’ve never really understood this; I have my Converse for most of the time, high heels (shudder) for formal things (rare), and tennis shoes for exercise. I know people who wear a different pair of shoes to school each day, and other people with four different types of tennis or basketball shoes. To me, this is ludicrous. Pick a pair of shoes that goes with everything and be done with it, right?

It’s a little different with pants. Shoes get muddy and dirty, but it’s easier to re-wear them. Pants, on the other hand, are better worn clean, unless you want to look “rugged”. But eh. I have four pairs of jeans and one pair of black pants (again, for formal stuff or just when I feel like it).

Because of my short, “pear” body shape, my research came up with these tips regarding pants and shoes.


  • For jeans, wear boot cut or straight legged styles that fall below the natural waist
  • For other kinds of pants, wear dark colors on bottom
  • Wear a-line skirts that fall just below the knees
  • Nothing too tight
  • Wear heels, even with jeans
  • Wear Converse with longer jeans (this is a teen tip)
  • Have a pair of boots (No, not snow boots, it’s a new trend to wear “cute” boots over jeans, even in the summer. Crazy)
  • Have sandals
  • Have cute ballet flats (not actual ballet shoes, it’s another new trend of flat shoes)


For those of you who know me, you’re aware that I don’t wear skirts, and I had no idea what the heck “a-line” was until I looked it up. I own two skirts. I wear them… once a year, at most. I’m trying to get better, but it’s very hard to grow out of being a tomboy. You should also know that I do not wear any pants that are in the least bit tight. Ugh. Hate that. I also hate high heels, find boots to make my feet sweaty, and think my toes are gross so I limit sandal wearing. I’m a Cons gal.

That would make my shoes and jeans percentage… 44%. Better than my closet staples percentage, worse than my makeup score. But the only reason is because I own like four pairs of shoes, and I only wear one of them regularly. So is it worth me spending more money to raise my “fashion percentage”?

Like I said, I DO have high heels (pictured above). But am I going to wear them casually during a regular day? HECKS NO! Some people may like them, but I think they’r e so uncomfortable, and kind of odd looking with jeans. But what do I know, right? I am also not going to invest in boots that cost seventy friggin bucks like the ones to the right, because A. it’s almost summer and sweaty feet are not attractive and B. they’re useless and kind of ugly

The same goes for sandals. Can you run away easily in sandals? Noo. Converse may not have the greatest arch support, but if someone threatens me or someone is annoying me, I want to be able to run away without worrying that my shoes will fall off in the process, especially when they cost a ton of money like the suckers I’ve mentioned.


Look at these beautiful Converse. Simple, they go with anything (I’ve seen girls at movie premieres wearing them with dresses and other fancy outfits, which makes me so unbelievably happy), and only 45 bucks. You can only wear boots or sandals or heels in certain situations, so why have ALL of them in your foot locker when you can just have one universal pair of Covnerse with anything?

Sorry, it’s starting to sound like I’m advertising for them. But my point is this; sure, heels make you look taller and thinner, but is it worth the pain and uncomfort? Personally, I don’t think so. I’d choose comfort and versatility over fashion any day.


So far, I’m not doing so well for today’s standards. Tune in tomorrow to see how I do in the shirts and accessories department!

Posted in Teenage Life

Fashion Expo Part DOS!!

According to my research, there are several things teenage girls must have in their closets. Here is the list:

  • White Oxford shirt
  • Solid colored short sleeved tees and tanks
  • Khaki trousers and shorts
  • Well-fitted denim jacket
  • At least two pairs of perfect jeans (I’m not sure what exactly they imply by “perfect”)
  • Lots of belts in different styles and colors
  • Double-breasted trench coat
  • Little black dress
  • Giant purse

Out of the nine staples listed, I have two. The variety of tanks I have is shown in the picture at top. I actually only have the tank part, I have maybe three solid colored fitted tee-shirts (when I say fitted, I mean they aren’t unisex). So according to the numbers, I am 16% fashion savvy, using only this example as a benchmark.

So I can understand how an oxford shirt, khaki pants, a couple good belts in different styles (I have black and brown belts, that’s it), and maybe even the denim jacket can come in handy. But a trench coat, a giant purse, and a little black dress? Maybe they’re nice to have, but does ANYONE want to spend money just to have them on hand? And these are only maybe half of the list of things I MUST HAVE, but I chose to address the other things later.

But that’s just for clothes. As for makeup, these are the things I should have in my drawers:

  • Eye liner
  • Eye shadow
  • Eyelash curler
  • Mascara
  • Tweezers
  • Brow liner (What even IS this??)
  • Liquid eye liner
  • Lip liner
  • Lip gloss
  • Foundation

So out of the ten things listed, I have five, so I’m 50% savvy in this department. Improvement, or a sad indication of how The Industry is getting to me? If your really think about it, why should I have ANY of this crap? I mean, yeah, I look a lot better with it, in my own opinion at least, but is it really worth it to have to buy it over and over again? Why do I need two kinds of eyeliner, thousands of colors of eye shadow, an eyelash curler, and a thousand different things to outline my lips?? Why does anyone need this? Especially in regular life.

But does all this mean I’m going to throw all my fashion products away? Unfortunately, no. I’m too vain and self conscious to, because something inside my head is telling me I HAVE to wear makeup to look good enough, I HAVE to straighten my hair to be accepted, and I HAVE to buy clothes that other people think are cute to I fit in with the people I despise.

Posted in Teenage Life

Fashion Expo, Part 1!!


       I do not know the first thing about fashion. (See confused expression and hand gestures in picture above) But the rest of the world seems to, so now I’m going to take them up on their tips, see if they really work. So here is “Everyday Bri”:

What I am:

What they want:


This is the general outfit I wear around; bootcut jeans, tee-shirt (polos often too), and [not shown] my grey Converse sneakers.I am what they call “pear shaped”. Surprisingly, every website I visited used this same “nickname” for people shaped like me. And when I say shaped like me, I mean heavy on the hips. From this flattering picture above, there is no denying that I have some extra heft to my hips, so don’t try to say anything against me. There is nothing wrong with pears. I like pears.

I’m dividing this series into four categories;

1. Evalutations according to teen trends and closet staples

2. Pants and shoes expo

3. Shirts and accessories

4. General/ overall evaluation

And here is some background info you’ll need to know before hand:

  • I am a sixteen year old female
  • I am 5 foot 3 inches and I am not telling you my weight (It’s all in the hips, I swear!)
  • I have very thick, curly brown hair
  • I am “pear shaped”
  • I do not like spending a lot of money on clothes
  • I have a very limited wardrobe

Lets see how I hold up against the fashion trends and standards modern society wants me to fit!

Posted in Bri

Some fans of arts and crafts

I was thinking today. You know, since it’s such a rare experience. Obviously.

Moving on. I was thinking about friends. Sounds like a dull topic, maybe, but I wanted to talk about them for a little bit.

I had a couple friends in primary school, although the only good one was Rachel, really. And once we split up for middle school, things started going downhill fast.

I mostly hung out with these two girls, not naming names. But it was more of a convenience thing. I needed someone to sit with at lunch, and they needed someone to complain to. For most of my “friendship” with them, they were mad at each other. I spent most of my sixth grade life hanging out with one or the other, listening to them gripe about the other.

7th grade we kind of grew apart, and I started hanging out with a group of guys, playing basketball. Some of those guys I’d known since elementary, so I’m still on fairly friendly terms with them. Only one of those guys I still talk to routinely, and that was after two or three years of hating him on and off. There was a lot of stuff that went into that. Long three years.

8th grade was much better, well, in the MAKING friends department. Because a lot more people hated me that year. But I stopped hanging out with the jerky guys, and met the group of girls I still hang out with.

Ninth grade was incredible incredible. And tenth grade has been even better.

So this is what I’m getting at. I’ve had ups and downs all through the years, and I was pretty depressed for a lot of middle school. And I honestly don’t think I’d be the same person without my freinds. Especially lately, when I have so many people to turn to when I have a bad day. I just wanted to let everyone know that I’m not taking any of you for granted. I know what it’s like to be alone, and that sucked. I may be introverted, but everyone has limits. So thank you, Cody Rachel Taylor Robert Bart Craig Dylan Brittany Kelli Mia Danika Kenzie Robert Trevor Sean Morgan Mike Jacob Megan David Riley Kate Ben Jared Liz Kevin Nick Hudson and anyone I might have forgotten in my sleepy but gratful state.

Thank you all.

Posted in Teenage Life

Is this even possible??

Wow. So I was on this blog reading a post about left handed people, and I was appalled. The link is this <>

This guy talks about how left handed people are better bloggers. Well, it has been researched that the minority of lefties are generallt more creative, but this guy takes it a little too far. Instead of just relating facts, he goes on to say that lefties are SUPERIOR. I’m a righty, and I’d like to think that I’m pretty darn creative. I appreciate the effort, Ian Denny, but you’re starting to sound a little prejudiced. Just read a reply from him to a commenter that was angry about the post:

I really do feel sorry for right handed people. My left-handed ancestors were ridiculed and social outcasts.

I was hoping for more tolerance of our superior creativity. How can we still be hounded so in this day and age just because we’re paid 15% more and have to bear this cross of superiority?

Sound pompous and prejudiced yet? He also tells us that right-handers are “afflicted” and lefties are “gifted”. But of course, he’s not biased at all. He also says, quote, “And if you are left-handed, I look forward to the intelligence, wit and creativity that will flow through your prosaic words!” when referring to commenters and their blogs.

I left an angry comment. Hee.

Posted in Blog

I wrote this on the bus this morning

“I’m on the bus right now, and I was thinking; why do vampires turn into bats? Mosquitoes make more sense, don’t they? The only thing bats and vampires have in common is that they’re nocturnal. I think that telling people that they turn into bats is a conspiracy so we don’t find out that the mosquitoes are actually the transformed vampires.

You have been warned.


Ok, I’m still on the bus, and I’m still thinking.

Over the driver there’s a box that’s labeled “bodily fluid cleanup kit”. How morbid is that? Why don’t they just say “first kit”? That’s much less disturbing.  I was also wondering, do they have a “severed appendage cleanup kit”, or a “In case of alien invasion resulting in children catching fire from the laser cannon cleanup kit”?

Also, I think the ‘video camera’ is also a conspiracy to makes kids behave (not that it works). If they can afford video cameras, they could afford to clean the windows. Last year, I killed a bug, a pretty big one too, on one of the windows, and a month later, it was still there. Sick.”

Posted in Blog

First day of real high school

Was insane. I got lost so many times, but I still managed to get to each class on time. Note to self: BRING BACKPACK TO EVERY CLASS.

All of my classes and teachers seemed pretty nice, though. My writing class is gonna be great. I'm doing AP homework right now so I can't make this long… but I'm excited for school! I love it! The only thing I'm worried about is Spanish, which I don't have any friends in, and also the teacher is apparently not very good.

Oh, well. I saw Smurf's brother in the hall and said hi, but I don't think he heard me. heh heh.

So tonight, this is what was on my to-do list (that I just completed)

*Bring money/ signed sheet for AP

*Label most of Europe Map with the cities he told us to (about 100) (This took forever… I used three different maps, and I'm still not done completely)

*Get more folders

*Get art form signed

*Take backpack to every class 

*Get a three ring binder for Comp/Lit

*Ten minute written response to qualifications of a good reader/writer

*Free verse (uncorrupted) free verse poem due Friday (which I finished today)


Pretty good, no? 

Posted in Issues

Environmentalists my…

Well, last night we were watching the Daily Show on Comedy Central, and he was doing a bit about that awareness concert Al Gore held a month ago. As soon as they started talking about it, I had my brother pause it (it was on DVR).

"Did they use solar energy?" I inquired, seeing as the concert was for environmental awareness to, you know, stop the global warming that Al Gore makes bigger than it is.

"Psh, no," Says my dear father.

"WHAT? But doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of an environmental awareness concert??"

"Yes," He went on to elaborate that one of the singers required five rooms for her and her entourage, and had to have a specific beluga whale caviar, which, as you know, is an endangered species. What is wrong with these people??

I went on to research it a bit more.

"For an event that is designed to raise the awareness necessary to curb global warming and other environmental problems, why would you put on a massive, multi-continent concert where tremendous amounts of electricity and oil were needed to both transport stars to all the locations and then allow them to perform their lavish acts. "- Opey's Oratory (internet blog)

""In order to solve the climate crisis, we have to reach billions of people,” Al Gore said in a statement. “The climate crisis will only be stopped by an unprecedented and sustained global movement.”"-Al Gore

Yeah, more like "In order to solve the climate crisis, we're going to use up so much electricity that no one else can. What a great solution! I'm a genius! Let's go have some beluga whale caviar in my hypocritical Hummer!"

This concert was a sad loss of message. If Al Gore really wanted to raise awareness, why not set a good example? You know, like practice what you preach. Don't tell us that we need to worry about the effect humans have on global warming because of their extensive use of oil and electricity when you can organize a world wide concert that uses so much energy itself.

London had it right, they used 100% biodiesel fuel to run their concert. New York used a nearby wind farm to fuel it, but a couple of good things doesn't wash out the bad. This concert was a waste of time and resources.

Sorry. I needed to rant about that. I should probably go eat breakfast, but nothing sounds good. Stupid Joys Of Womanhood… keeping me up all night…