Posted in Blog

Standards and a note

On 2-22-07, after Mike requested that I write up my standards for my "future guy", he passed me a note about it.

Bri's Standards:

*Taller than me


*Interesting (can keep a conversation going)

*doesn't expect me to change drastically for him

*Has always been a boy (No sex changes) (He thought this one was funny)

*Doesn't smoke/ do drugs


*Somewhat intelligent

*Polite (for my dad)


The note goes as follows (Mike is italic):

Whatever you say, but why do they need to be polite for your dad?

Because otherwise y dad will kill them, and/or because I wouldn't be able to go out with them otherwise

(Manchester Untited SUCKS. Arsenal kicked their ***!) I don't think that should matter.

You don't think what my dad thinks should matter? I don't really have a choice, but I'm willing to argue it for someone I really like.

It's your life, your parents should lighten up (you're in a breakish downish state) (???)

And then we went on to discuss other things, and he informed me that me and Brandon would be getting married in Vegas, but I said I wanted to go somewhere with more roller coasters. And then we just talked about pretty much nothing until the bell rang. Strange, no?



Posted in Teenage Life

Ways to not be boring

In honor of the new year, I’ve decided that the world ‘hello’ is getting overly-used and we need a new way to greet people. And it doesn’t even mean much, look it up sometimes. And it sounds even worse if you pose it as a question (hello?) like you’re not sure if you’re talking to someone or not. Which in some cases you might not be, but still. When someone walks up to you you don’t say “hello?” you say “hello.” So why is it different on the phone, obviously someone is calling you. only losers hang up.
Anyway that’s beside the point.
So here are a list of words you can use besides “hello”

1. Greetings. (this sounds so cool it should be illegal *swoon*. It makes you sound like the Counte of Monte Cristo and you sound self confident. Just imagine saying it on the phone- Greetings.)

2. Yo. (This may be used often in instant messaging and other online communication but you rarely hear anyone use it on the phone.)

3. Like, Hello? (Hah hah I heard Shaggy say this on a Scoobie Doo movie I watched when I was ten or something and my sister and I thought that was the funniest thing ever. Yeah! Go hippies!)

4. Aqua! (Mongolian. Sounds exotic.)

5. Yar! (Waramunga- don’t ask me what country that comes from- but I like it, it makes you feel like a pirate.)

6. Hullo. (sounds like ‘hello’ but if you wish to communicate that you are very bored and uninterested and depressed, ‘hullo’ works way better. Plus people might think you’re British which is cool too.)

7. Howdy. (yes it makes you sound like a cowboy, but it works as well as anything)

8. Do I know you?

9. No Speaka de Anglish (if you’re German, this is for you)

10. Speak. (Makes you sound very macho and sometimes people want to slap you because you’re a poser when you say it, and it’s also quite moronic, but go for it.)

11. Moshi Moshi! (I think it’s Japanese.)

12. Yello. (makes you sound good-humored, and it opens up a door to tell that joke.)

13. Wotcha.

14. And of course the classic Aloha! and when you say goodbye, Aloha!

15. Pronto! (Italians are lucky)(phone usage only)

16. Who’s this suspicious charcter? (if you want to sound like a detective, this is for you.)

17. Word. (boring and unemotional)

18. Jambo!

Yeah there are probably more I could put but I have to go now.
Greet 2007 in a much cooler way than saying ‘hello’.

Posted in Blog


For those of you who know my last name, google me and my site comes up!

here are some other things:

sexy bri (I know! It's awesome!)

vannah (although it's a ways down on the page)

Sweet Temptations + Bri's Own World ( I think that if you type just about anything that appears on this site and add a "+ Bri's Won World", we will come up)

Let's see… (all of the following have "+ Bri's Own World" attatched)

Liam Aiken





…and so on and so forth. Isn't that cool???

Posted in Blog

My Comp/Lit paper I got an A+ on

I've finally decided to put it up…




The new moon is the darkest time of the month, and it can also symbolize the darkest time in someone's life. But darkness doesn't always suggest melancholy.

My darkness was under-confidence. Throughout my elementary and middle school life it was like a savage plague, killing me from the inside out. My torment came from the outside primarily, but I took it in and it grew into something much more intense and grotesque.

I had always been a loner, so maybe my new moon started because I wasn't used to talking to people; my protective 'shell' wasn't fully operational.

Every school has a bully. Some bullies are physical, some are mental, and some are a horrific combination of both. My elementary school's was mostly mental, but the vicious little demon would dish out punches every once in a while.

From second grade on, he tormented me, telling me how “ugly”, “fat”, and “stupid” I was, among other things, as he kicked mud in my face and threw projectiles. I took every bit of the disdain he had for me and turned it into contempt and disgust for myself. I despised the bully for hurting me, but also despised myself because I thought he was right, thought that I was truly all those hideous things. And so I retreated inside myself, afraid of being me, before I even hit puberty.

I met Vannah subconsciously, like a little voice in my head that provided moral support. She was the voice of reason, persuading me not to listen to the bully. But, her being just a subconscious buzz of slight annoyance, I ignored her, and continued my inward torture.

My first two years of middle school were horrible. If I wasn't alone, I was with a group of people that I didn't necessarily like or want to be around, but my craving for company held me in. Every time I began to be myself, something happened and caused me to retreat within once more.

In eighth grade, I started to sit with a group of girls at lunch. I was cautious; they were very outspoken, so I didn't talk much the first few months.

And then I realized something about these girls. They didn't have the greatest self-confidence, they weren't the most popular, and people teased them. But the difference between them and me was that they didn't care. They took insults and laughed, because they were secure enough in who they were not to take it seriously. And I wished I were more like that. I was still not totally secure, though I was more outgoing and open, but I wasn't brave enough to completely be myself yet.

I formally met Vannah the summer after eighth grade. She began as just a character on my website; I credited original songs to her, in fear that my voice was not very good. But then people started reacting to the songs, complimenting them. So I began crediting them to myself, more confident. The website's visitors applauded.

After that I began to see myself more clearly. I was not really a naturally quiet person; I had been forced into silence by my lack of confidence. Likewise, I was not nearly as shy as I had thought, merely afraid of what people would think of me.

It was in my honors comp/lit class where I finally brought Vannah out. The assignment had been to bring in song lyrics to analyze. One girl's mother had volunteered her to sing her lyrics. The girl's voice was beautiful. My teacher asked if anyone else wanted to sing theirs'. I had brought some of my own lyrics, and I looked down at them then, undecided. Another girl volunteered. Her voice was beautiful.

Again, my teacher asked for volunteers. Two of my friends looked at me expectantly; they had read my lyrics. Slowly, I raised my hand. I pretended that I didn't want to, that I was forced, but in my head, Vannah urged me on. I was now in the front center of the room, the center of attention. A part of my mind hurriedly made up excuses to get out of it, another part told me to run, but Vannah only had one thing to say to me.


And I obeyed. No one spoke a word as the music flowed from my mouth as if they belonged somewhere outside of my head. And then the unthinkable happened; the thing I never expected.

They applauded.

Since then, I have rarely been afraid to do anything. I will no longer be a bird caged from flying; Vannah was my savior!

But, then again, she had absolutely nothing to do with it. I sang those songs on my website. I wrote those stories, those poems. I sang in front of all those people. I was the one they applauded. It was my subconscious mind that created Vannah to help me find myself.

Thank you, Vannah.


Posted in Blog

The day of homecoming has arrived

Oh, geez, why me???Surprised

Stupid nose…

my hair is nice… but look at my nose!!!!

It doesn't look half as bad in this picture… oh, geez o pete!!!

megan's coming over in a few hours… and so is everyone else (mia, hayley, bridget, kelli, danika).

I hope megan can make it less… AWFUL.

 And does everyone see the zit under my nosE? or on my chin?



I hate myself.



Posted in Blog

Homecoming… huh???



My friend.

My buddy, that I used to tease about not being as strong as I was!


I didn't know he liked me!

Well, it sort of makes sense, I guess.

Obviously, since I'm so freaking hot.

No, acctually, we've been close [semi] friends for a while… just…


Acctually, first, his friend Brennon asked me for him.

I thought he was joking, but he said he was serious.

I made him go get Tristan so he could ask me face to face.

Tristan came.

I told him i had already made plans to go with my friends, but I'd see him there, and I'd save him a dance.



With… my friend.

Oh, geez, I don't know how to dance.

This sucks. 

Posted in Blog

Homecoming clothing angst

This is my homecoming outfit (I will not be wearing the necklace).

I'm not wearing makeup, or anything, but this is the CLOTHING.

You have no idea how bad the heels hurt.

The dress is a hand-me-down-loaner from my freind, megan sushi. and the heels. and the necklace.

everything else I bought.

*shudder* panty hose… 

Posted in Bri

Homecoming angst

I swear it's laughing at me.

I didn't know inanimate peices of paper could be so cruel.


It just sits there, taped to the locker right next to me, glaring at me whenever I need to get something.

But underneath the glare, it's laughing.

Don't doubt it.


As if it's not bad enough that my FRIENDS call me ugly, now it has to PROVE how ugly I am.

By not getting a date to homecoming.

That's right.


The "Fire and Ice" sign next to my locker expresses it's hate for me quite clearly.

It knows I'm not getting a date.

It just knows it.

I don't know how, but…

Ok, yes I do.

Obviously, it caught on to how extremely undesirable I am.

Since, according to Dylan, looking at me is like pulling teeth with a knife, I'm pretty much screwed in the boys department.

Ok, so Hayley thinks I'm pretty.

Thank's plunkit, but no offense, I don't really feel like going to homecoming with you.

Like a date. Not with you, dear.

Not even SROTS.

Geez O Pete, I'm pathetic.

So here's my other predicament:

I like this guy.

He is in my GT and Spanish class.

He acctually knows my name.

I don't know if he likes me.

I want him to ask me to homecoming.

HAH, like that's gonna happen.

 But, in vain hope, I'm prettying myself up as good as I can.

I'm wearing almost clear white nail polish.

I'm going to straiten my hair.

I scrubbed my face vigourously in order to bring down my killer acne.

I am going to get up early tomarrow to do my makeup WELL.

And I'm still going to have absoulutely NO chance.

If he doesn't ask me tommarow, I'm going to try to rally a group date.

If anyone would like to attend, please let me know.

Gosh, I should just brand a huge "L" on my forehead. 

Posted in Poetry

Poetry inspired by fire

Fire Haiku


The fire cracks in warmth

The logs burnt white and black

The flames warm my heart




One sits on a blanket

Reading teen magazines

Three sit at the table

Reading and drinking beer

One sits in a flod out chair

Writing sweet nothings

puoring her heart and soul

out on lifeless blank white pages

with only a pen and her thoughts

Listening to fire crack

And warm her freezing legs

waiting for the little girls

To start to make the smores


Ode to Marshmellows


Little one's like them

Only lightly toasted

Older one's like them

Black and well roasted

But either ways

It's safe to say

The warm white softness

Once you make it there

melts at your tounge

sticking to you hands

and teeth

Where's my toothbrush?Laughing