Posted in Blog, Teenage Life

Ten things I never thought I’d enjoy

Esel Nr. 2
Creative Commons License photo credit: dustpuppy

There comes a point in my life that I have to admit some things about myself. I’m bossy, I’m mean, I’m a dork, and most of all, I am very stubborn. This stubbornness makes it hard for me to change my mind sometimes, but when I do, it’s often quite drastic. These are the top ten things in my life that I never expected to enjoy, but do.

1. Twitter. If you think about it, Twitter is stupid. It’s Facebook status updates without all the pizazz. It is literally the simplest thing in the world, but I’ve become addicted to it. Once or twice a day I’ll go check to see what everyone is up to, and then I’ll update it with whatever menial thing I have on my mind at the moment. It’s beautiful in a stupid way.

2. Being a vegetarian. When I realized that, after three months of not eating meat, meat made my stomach turn, I was extremely upset. I resigned to being a vegetarian, although I’ll admit I do cheat once in a while, in very small cases (mmm… chicken suiza). But being a vegetarian feels good! It feels like I’m in control of my own body, and I feel less heavy after meals. What a surprise!

3. American Idol. I’m not even sure why my mom and I started watching it last season (David Cook. DAVID COOK!) but after watching Jason-Mraz-Voiced Kris Allen win and having my ear drums blown out by my own shriek of happiness, it’s official. I love it. As stupid and petty as it is sometimes, and as hard as it is to admit that I partake in such a “lowly” section of television, I can’t help it. I’m an Idol fan. (But seriously… if they wanted to kick everyone but Simon off the judges, I would be cool with it. No one else’s opinions really matter after all)

4. Politics. Before this year, I hated politics. I thought they were so boring and stupid and they didn’t matter. But then issues like stem cell research, gay marriage, and abortion started to attract my attention. After that, it was a downhill slide through income taxes, legalizing pot, and stimulus packages.

5. Wearing glasses. In fifth grade, when I first got my glasses, Cody Raman-Noodle-Man turned around in class and said “You look weird!” And that was the first impression of wearing glasses. Although I still wear contacts at most times, I’ve finally settled on a frame that I can stand to wear out of the house. I no longer feel ugly and “weird” for wearing them, which is convenient.


6. Makeup. When I first started wearing eyeliner in 8th grade, I was ashamed and I denied it. “Hey Bri, are you wearing makeup?” “NO!” But now, I enjoy spending a half hour in front of the mirror with all my different eye shadow colors laid out in front of me. Makeup is like art, but your face is the canvas.

7. My cell phone. This seems like a weird one, since those of you who know me are aware that my phone is never more than a meter away from me. But when my parents first gave me it, I was like “why do I need a cell phone? I’m never gonna use it.” Oh, middle school Brianna. How naive you were.

8. Coffee. Americanos are my vice. I used to think coffee was so gross. Then I was introduced to frappachinos. Then mochas. Then lattes. Now I’m onto three shots of espresso in water with a splash of half and half. How far I have fallen.

9. Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH). My first day of class, I did not have high hopes. My teacher was the mother of a girl who, let’s put it this way, was not someone I particularly enjoyed being around. But after the first week, I was hooked. My teacher was amazing, and she resurrected my love of history that had been tragically murdered by a certain boring 8th grade teacher. Now I’m spouting random US history facts to anyone who is unfortunate enough to be around me.

I could have done without the vocab cards, though.
I could have done without the vocab cards, though. (APUSH)

10. Being a girl. This kind of goes with #6, but I felt it needed its own category. In third grade, I told everyone my name was Mack, wore boys clothing, and decided that I wanted to be a boy. Now, I’m not so sure. This past year has been… eye opening. Although being a girl has its downsides, I am who I am, and I wouldn’t change that for the world. Now, that realization is probably the most important one I will ever experience. Thank goodness I got it over with at 17. Reversing a sex change operation woulda been a pain.

One thought on “Ten things I never thought I’d enjoy

  1. one – love’s twitter
    two – i’m kinda vegetarian… i don’t eat red meat… ๐Ÿ˜€
    three – American Idol can go hid up some fat guys corn hole… (image.. yes you needed it)
    four – I so agree.. this year the whole gay marriage thing kinda came to a head for me, along with stem cells those are prolly my two biggest ones..
    five -yea, 4 pairs later and … for my sake were not going to say how much, later I found a pair i like… although their very heavy and leave deep marks on my nose lol!
    six – OMG I wore makeup once and looked really good.. it’s not my thing though.
    seven – Mike – cellphone = DEATH
    eight – … give me tea or give me death!
    nine – I raise your APUSH note cards to approx. 220 pages of color coded notes for AP psych ๐Ÿ˜€
    ten – I guess that goes with coming out, I mean you told people you were a boy… and I told people I was a boy for so long… ugh we should have our own gender, ost straight boys give those of us with fashion sense a bad name.. and yes i’m excluding Jared!

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