Posted in Blog, Teenage Life

The Surviving College Series: Part 1, packing

When I confirmed my enrollment into college, they sent me a list. On this list were objects in which my school thought I should bring, as well as things that weren’t allowed (see: microwave, toaster, firearms). My mom and I followed this list of things very closely, but I want to tell you something right now: it’s full of crap.

Well, ok. It’s not completely full of crap. There were some things on the list that I definitely needed. But they also left some important things out. So here’s my revised list of what you should bring your first year of college:

1. Vacuum. I’m dead serious. You only need a little one, a handheld one, but you definitely need one. You have no idea how dirty dorm rooms can get, especially if you’re a girl. One word- hair. At the end of the year, I was vacuuming my desk, there were so many dust bunnies. It’s nasty.

2. Sheets that fit. For some reason colleges think it’s a good idea to provide you beds that no department store ever has sheets for. Keep an eye out for flyers specifically from your college that sell the correctly sized sheets- they may be a bit more expensive, but at least they fit.

3. Electric kettle– As in one of those water heating dealies. It’s wonderful, especially if you don’t have a kitchen. I used it almost every day, for oatmeal, hot chocolate, tea, instant coffee, soup when I was sick, you name it. You can get them cheap at Target too, so make sure to pick one up.

4. Winter clothes (provided you’re going somewhere that has a winter)- Usually you’re packing for college during the summer, and that can trick you into forgetting key winter items. For some reason, I left my winter pea coat at home when I first packed. Mistake. MISTAKE. You might think you can get away with picking up winter clothes when you’re home for Thanksgiving or something, but you can’t. At that point it’s mid-November and cold.

5. Soap (of all varieties)- Not only do you need soap for showering, but you also need dish soap, laundry soap, and maybe even regular hand soap. College is dirty, especially in dorms and especially when you use a communal bathroom. You can probably get away with just rinsing your dishes for a little while, but trust me. You’re going to wish you had soap if you don’t.

6. Extra bags– You’re going to end up with a lot more stuff at the end of your year than you originally brought, so make sure you’re prepared. I’m an idiot, so I actually brought home some extra bags because I didn’t think I’d need them. Hoo boy, did I need them. It doesn’t hurt to have extra baggage laying around. You never know.

7. Food– Granola bars, trail mix, whatever. You need something nonperishable to snack on when it’s 2 in the morning and the dining hall is closed and you’re so hungry your stomach is devouring itself.

8. Flash drives/external hard drives– Especially if you don’t have your own printer (which is a bonus recommendation), you’ll need something more reliable than email to keep your assignments on.

9. Laundry hamper– Honestly? Speaks for itself.

10. Work out/ bum clothes– You know, the teeshirts and shorts that you wouldn’t wear out in public but you keep anyways. When I decided I didn’t want to be fat anymore, I realized at the same time that I didn’t have any good workout clothes, not perceiving a need for them. Also, they’re just nice to have so if you go on a service project or something you don’t get nice clothes all mussed up.

That’s about all the stuff I can think of, other than the obvious stuff, like underwear and school supplies. With this list, your college experience should be off to a good start.

One thought on “The Surviving College Series: Part 1, packing

  1. agree on the vacuum. Would’ve been so handy. Also, colleges all around the world have a monopoly on extra-long twin sheets. PUH LEASE. Don’t make me get the government involved here.

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