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TheAdamCastles Ep. 2

3 thoughts on “TheAdamCastles Ep. 2

  1. Great video..thanks! And you were not exaggerating about the hike to the bathroom!! Don’t let that deter you from drinking lots of water. Glad you are doing well and having fun!!

  2. I felt like I was on the journey with you – awesome video, editing, music, etc. When we come out to visit, Maggie’s Buns is on our list! Those cinnamon rolls look delicious. Will we be seeing more videos of local eateries?

  3. Dad: I won’t be able to afford anything other than water, so don’t worry.

    UR: On the same subject as my answer before, I dunno how many local eateries I’ll be able to afford. But there’s this amazing ice cream place that I might film sometime in the near future.

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