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TheseFolk: Beliefs according to Bri

3 thoughts on “TheseFolk: Beliefs according to Bri

  1. You are not here to “make” other people happy. Not sure how you meant that, but it is NOT possible to “make” anyone anything. All you can do is be you and be the best you that you can be. Your decisions will hit people in different ways, but that isn’t under your control. You are you…and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. And if YOU are happy with who YOU are, then that’s the pinnacle.

    1. That’s not what I meant at all. I meant that my life goal is to make people happy- I want to create things to make them laugh, to be a good friend/girlfriend/etc, and I will be happy as a result. I will be happy because I’m creating things, and I’ll be even happier if those things I create make people equally as happy.

  2. 🙂 Thanks for clarification and makes sense now. By the way, you already ARE creating great things that make people smile, think, and sometimes grimace. Keep it up!

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