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Things you should always bring to class

….regardless of what kind of class it is. Unless it’s an art class. In that case, your teacher will usually provide you with a list of things you need. Other than that, listen up! I cannot TELL you how many times I’ve seen someone get in trouble because they didn’t bring something, or how many times I’ve had to loan someone’s paper, pencil, etc during class. That’s why I made this handy list, so that none of us will ever be unprepared again!

1. Lined notebook with tear-able pages. Whether you occasionally have to do in-class assignments or you just need a place to take down notes, this item will have you covered. It doesn’t have to be one of those huge, five-sectioned notebooks (unless you’re into that sort of thing), it can just be a cheap, Target-bought item that you have on hand, just in case.

2. Zippered pencil bag with two black or blue pens, two pencils (mechanical is best), and one Sharpie. If you don’t come to class with a pen or pencil, you should really rethink your academic goals. Having multiples is great for loaning out or being confident that if one is out of lead or ink, you’ll always have a backup.

3. A single, pocketed folder specifically for that class. Even if you’re in an art class, chances are your teacher is going to give you syllabuses, schedules, and handouts throughout the semester, and it’s way easier to slip these things into a folder than to shove them into the bottom of your bag. Plus, you might need them at one point! Especially in classes with lots of turned in assignments, like papers and worksheets, it’s nice to have one place where you keep everything, just in case.

4. Textbooks. Kind of self explanatory, but… duh?? It’s always a good thing to have your textbook in class, even if you don’t use it. Better to have it when you don’t need it than to forget it when you DO need it.

5. Wallet. Even if you don’t end up using it nine times out of ten, that tenth time you’ll be glad you have it. Sometimes, your teacher will ask you to buy materials for a project or another textbook that you’ll need to pick up right after class, and other times your friend will text you to see if you want to grab a quick bite to eat. It’s gonna suck if you have to run back to your apartment only to head immediately back out.

6. Something unassuming that will keep you occupied. If you’re anything like me, lecture classes, which, let’s be honest, most lower-level college classes are, bore the crap out of you. And sometimes, it really isn’t necessary to pay attention, just to show up. For me, my “unassuming distraction” is my journal, where I record my day, make To-Do lists, or write poetry. It looks like I’m studiously taking notes, and sometimes I do write something class-related down, but for the most part, it just keeps me busy while I get my attendance points. Other ideas could be homework from other classes (maybe don’t have a calculator out in an English class, though) or prompts for future essays that you can outline. I can’t tell you how many essays I outlined and organized during my poetry class this year, and how thankful future Bri was for that ground work when the time for actually writing the essay came around.

7. Watch. Most teachers and professors don’t take kindly to kids whipping their cellphones out during class to check the time, and watches are pretty cheap. It’ll come in handy at some point, especially if there isn’t a clock in the room or it’s in a really inconvenient place, even if you only use it to record “seventeen minutes left” in your journal for your future self to snort at sympathetically.

8. Gum. Maybe your class runs through lunchtime, or it’s right before a mealtime, or it’s a night class that just sucks. You’ll get hungry at some point, and some professors don’t like people unwrapping granola bars or other snacks. Gum will at least give you something to chew on and pretend is food.

A lot of the stuff on this list is pretty self explanatory, but forget one thing and you might be up a creek without a paddle, so it’s always nice to have a reminder. Now, go learn something! Or don’t. It’s your tuition.

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