Posted in Blog, Bri


The manuscript of my new novel, Reticence, just hit 100 pages! I’m just passed 31,000 words (31753 to be exact), which is really exciting! Addicted is 36,000, roughly, and the minimum for a novel is 40,000!!


And it’s not total crap! It’s a lot of crap, yes, and it needs a TON of editing, but I refuse to edit until I completely finish the first draft. Otherwise, I will never finish it. Write first, edit later. Write that down.

I’m very excited. Things are coming together nicely. I’ve got a rough outline for the rest of the book, so I know where I’m going, finally. But this poor character. I’ve basically lumped all the awful things that I’ve gone through, plus some fictional things, into a three month period. She’s going to need some serious therapy. Hee. I love being mean to my characters.

I depress myself sometimes.


Posted in Movies

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Oscars

This was the third movie that I saw when we were in the big city, and all I can say is wow. Its not my favorite movie of the year, but its definitely one of the best made. Button is 3 hours long, but every minute is necessary for what it is trying to say, and I even think that it could have been a little longer. Its also slow paced, so don’t expect it to go quickly, this is the telling of a man’s whole life, and it does feel like we were with Benjamin his whole life. What I meant by it being longer though, is that near the end, the movie felt a little rushed. In the beginning of his story, they spent a lot of time dealing with what he did while he was younger, and it spent less and less time with him as he got older. The last years of his life were told in just a quick montage, and should have been stretched a little more. So now to the Oscars. This was nominated for 5 Golden Globes, and that pretty much confirms at least a few nominations for it. Best Picture has a very good shot, and I think that it also has a chance at winning, even though Slumdog Millionaire and The Dark Knight were more enjoyable. David Fincher is also almost a lock for Best Director, a long overdue award in my eyes since he’s made some great movies like Zodiac, Se7en, and Fight Club. The cinematography was some of the best of the year too, and will probably get a nomination. Now, when I was younger, I always though of Brad Pitt just being a bad actor who women love, but I’m realizing that he is a great actor instead, and this year he will get a nomination for Best Actor. Cate Blanchett is also most likely going to get a nomination for her acting. Best Adapted Screenplay, Art Direction, Special Effects, Score, and Makeup are all serious contenders for this movie as well. I would suggest this to most people, but just remember that it is a long movie that you need to be in the right mood to see.

Best Picture- Very good chance
Best Director- Very good chance
Best Actor- Nomination, but not going to win
Best (Supporting?) Actress- Maybe Nomination, but probably won’t win.
Best Cinematography- Very good chance
Best Adapted Screenplay- Good chance
Art Direction- I would think that its a lock to win.
Special Effects- Great chance, the aging with Pitt’s face is amazing.
Score- It was stuck in my head hours later, not sure if its original though…
Makeup- Again, the aging is well done.
That’s most likely it…

Posted in Sports

We’re talkin’ about playoffs?!?!

Wow. You know what I hate the most about the NFL? Overtime. The first team to score wins, and the first team to get the ball is decided on a COIN FLIP!!! The Chargers and Colts playoff game just went into overtime, and the Chargers got the ball first. They drove the ball down the field and won the game, all the while the MVP of the league, Peyton Manning (the Colts’ quarterback), watched from the sidelines with nothing to possibly do to stop them. And you’re telling me that’s fair?

College is fair, where each team gets the ball and a chance to score. The game isn’t decided on a 50-50 coin toss.

Can I get an amen?

This is Scarface signing off.

Posted in Blog, Bri, Teenage Life


18 people are online on Facebook, and not one of them is someone I want to talk to. Well, I could talk to a couple, but they aren’t the people I really want to talk to. Don’t ask, because I’m not going to explain.

But do you know what I love? When people ignore you. No, really. I just love that feeling of absolute worthlessness. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, eh? If that were true, I could be a gold medal weight lifter.

There is more than one way to ignore someone. One of which is just that, avoiding or excluding someone. Another, though, is refusing to write someone back, return a comment, reply to a message or email. The first one, admittedly less subtle, actually is better than the second. Know why? Because the second one is harder to detect. Let me take you through an example.

Lets say you email or call someone, someone you’d kind of like to reply. Maybe they’re a crush. Anyways. After a day, or maybe even less time, you get a bit restless. No one else is talking to you, so there’s nothing to distract you. You just kind of sit there, in front of the phone, or the computer. Well, ok. Maybe they’re hanging with the family, or friends. Maybe they just didn’t see it yet. So you get over it, go eat or whatever.

After two days, you know that they have HAD to either have gotten on the internet or checked their messages. After staring at the communication device of choice for a while, you rationalize. Maybe they checked it as they were leaving, and didn’t get a chance to reply. Yeah, that must be it. You give yourself a couple more minutes to stare; maybe they’ll get online or call you back. No such luck, so repeating the rationalization like a mantra, you go back to your life.

After three days, you start freaking out. They’re had AMPLE time to check and reply to whatever you sent them. Why haven’t they replied?? What if you said something that made them mad? If it was an email, you read the sent message closely to identify any potentially offensive lines. You find none. If it was a phone call or text, you run over what you said in your mind. No, nothing too bad. Well, maybe they’ve just been really, really busy. It’s a stretch, but who knows. You spend way too much time by your phone or computer, but the time all blurs together until you have to go do something else. If not for the toilet, you may have never moved. There’s always an explanation, you tell yourself.

Five days later, there are three options:

1. They got it a while ago and forgot to reply

2. They have no intention of replying, whether they read or listened to it or not.

3. They’ve died in a tragic accident.

You rule out the last one, since you just asked someone and they assure you that whoever you’re trying to talk to is still, in fact, breathing. By now, this is getting ridiculous. So you write, call, or text them again, asking what the heck their problem is. Now, another one of three things will happen:

1. They write or call back and apologize. They’ve been busy.

2. They come to your house to apologize in person, with a dozen roses.

3. They ignore that as well.

If it’s option 3, the process I’ve just described repeats itself, only worse. I mean, if you don’t want to talk to me, just freaking tell me. It’s easier for everyone. All this alluding my calls and email crap is cowardly. ESPECIALLY when I know, for a fact, that you’ve had time and the ability to get back to me.

For the record, I’m not really talking about anyone specifically, I’m just giving my opinion on the subject.

My head hurts.