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Let’s get cliche up in this club

Club? What? I don’t know. I really don’t. Here are twenty things I’m thankful for this year.

1. iTunes playlists

2. Rain boots

3. My growing relationship with my little brother

4. New friends

5. Old friends

6. Pacific speech and debate

7. Painting

8. NaNoWriMo

9. Moleskine notebooks

10. Precise V5 pens

11. Bart answering the phone even though he’s training to be a Marine and I’m just calling because I’m lonely

12. Harry Potter

13. Pumpkin spice lattes

14. Crochet hooks

15. Friends you only know through the internet

16. Doctor Who

17. Knee high argyle socks

18. Darren Criss

19. The Pacific northwest

20. My family for putting up with my crazy

Posted in Blog

Why I hate football players as a general rule

I think it would be best to organize this topic into two categories: why I hated football players in high school and why I hate football players in college.

High School

Is it even a secret that I wasn’t well liked in high school? I wasn’t well liked in high school. So naturally, my status among the jock culture was not particularly good. So to the football players, I wasn’t a person. I wasn’t even really a girl. I was just that thing with the big hair and the awkward social manner that was a good person to be assigned a group project with. Football players in high school weren’t there for school, they were there to reap the social benefits of athleticism and knock each other over in a grassy field while girls in short skirts cheered them on.


I don’t even know why I bothered separating my problems with football players. A few weeks ago my roommate and her boyfriend were having a loud argument in our room (he’s a football player, obviously). She was mad because he was paying people do do his homework, because he isn’t in college for classes, he’s in college for football.