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[Bri 2.0 BONUS] Cleaning up

If you hadn’t noticed, the site slogan changed for the first time in nearly four years. “Because life’s more fun under critical analysis.” Alternations I can up with: “Because life’s more fun as a cynic” and “Because life’s more fun when you’re sarcastic”.

Why did I change the slogan? Well, as the four and a half years of this site’s existence passed, “Intelligence… The New Sexy” just didn’t seem relevant anymore. I mean, the site isn’t about being smart. It’s about a heightened sense of self-awareness and looking at life through careful and extended analysis. It’s basically a literature nerd’s interpretation of life, and I think the new slogan better fits this idea.

The change of my site’s slogan is just one way I’ve been moving forward with my life. For the past two days, I’ve been deep cleaning my room and throwing or giving away things that either have no meaning or aren’t useful to me anymore. Tossing old notebooks and toys I’ve mangled with too much heavy play is kind of relieving. I mean, I found things I haven’t seen in years that I didn’t realize I’d kept. And I realized something:

I have so much crap. Half the stuff I’ve hoarded over the years doesn’t even mean anything to me, I’m just keeping it for the sake of “well, maybe I’ll need this someday.” Why do I need all my old swimming ribbons? Or my junior ranger patches? Or the notebooks with two pieces of usable paper?

It’s ridiculous how magnanimous the pile of crap I’ve dug up in this archeological expedition is. And it basically represents my personality; I can’t let go of anything.

I still remember the taunts Zach used to use, I still remember all the times people have left me down, and I still remember all the broken promises people have made to me over the years.

But you know what? It’s not worth it. My brain works in such a way that I’ll never forget any of these things, but I think my goal should be to lessen their importance. I’ve been hurt a lot over the years- hell, I’ve been hurt a lot recently. But I have to move on. I have to hold onto some kind of hope that the people I’ll meet in the future won’t be like the people I’ve met in the past.

Holding my grudges isn’t getting me anywhere, but neither is letting those people back into my life. And that’s why I’m throwing away things that I don’t care for and changing my site’s slogan. Because it’s time for a new beginning, and I don’t want to wait too long to be happy. I’ve been waiting seven years. It’s time to take matters into my own hands.

2 thoughts on “[Bri 2.0 BONUS] Cleaning up

  1. Good luck and have fun at college!!! Thanks for everything Bri, really it’s meant a lot to me over the years. Sorry I was such an a-hole a lot of the time, I didn’t mean to be and you didn’t deserve that. Good luck!

  2. like the new slogan. I think it’s perfect for this 🙂 really. well done. plus just the right amount of snarf.

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