Posted in Teenage Life

Hypocritical Advice from a High School Senior

So for a blog today I’m basically just writing a cliche advice column aimed at incoming freshman in high school. That said, I didn’t really focus on the academic aspect of school; these three tips are more of just general advice that will make high school easier (or at least bearable). If you have any other advice you should definitely leave it in the comments.

First and foremost, don’t assume anything. You’ve probably seen the countless movies about high school with all it’s little cliches, so let me tell you right now, those movies are a load of bull. To my knowledge, nobody at my school has ever been shoved into a locker, and eating lunch in a bathroom stall at my school would put you at high risk for getting a disease. But perhaps the biggest misconceptions about high schoolers center around the popular prep/jock crowd. In high school, I’ve seen seemingly dippy popular blondes get 5’s on the practice AP test, (straight) Jocks who will readily defend gay marriage, and preppy christians who believe in and fully understand the theory of evolution. Sure, there are some that fit some areas of their stereotype, but make a point of keeping an open mind, because people will surprise you. Just remember this; nobody fits their stereotype unless they are trying to.

Also, if you don’t have one already, get a hobby. It’s likely that high school will be one of the most stressful experiences in your life, and you’ll go insane if you don’t have someway to unwind. That said, it is important that your hobby is, in some way, beneficial to you. In other words, try to stay away from video games, web surfing, and television, as these things both take up way too much time and don’t really help you at all. Instead, I highly recommend some form of exercise or some creative activity, ideally both. Not only will a hobby help you keep your sanity, it will likely give you skills that are incredibly useful later on when you are trying to get into college or get a job.

This is going to sound pretty strange coming from me, but  always look your best, because looks are important. I’m not saying they should be, or that they always will be, but when you’re in high school, like it or not, they are. And not just to your fellow students. Teachers can be just as judgmental as the rest, and you probably won’t make a favorable first impression if you’re wearing a tail, or looking like you’re part of a gang. More guys tend to forget this than girls, but really it’s just as important for both, even if you’ve never viewed yourself as attractive or very popular. I realize it’s probably a pain, and that you’ll get teased if you’re a guy and dress well, but it does make both the social and educational aspects of high school easier.

Oh, and lastly, most of the seniors hate you. Yeah, I know it’s unfair but try to see yourselves from our point of view; a bunch of midgets acting like they’re big time and taking all of our parking spaces. Really, how can we not hate you?

One thought on “Hypocritical Advice from a High School Senior

  1. Wearing a tail!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Everyone in the college computer lab just looked at me funny. Woo good times. You’re so insightful.

    Oh, and I’m saving my unicorn tattoo for when I get home, so you can tell me where it would be best placed. (No where gross, you pervert)

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