Never heard of it? Well, you should have. This is one of the most accurate portrayals of modern society I have seen. Sure, in movie making quality, it isn’t THAT great. The comedy is great at first, but kind of dies down towards the end, but I really don’t think that matters. The movie goes like this. A government program is testing a life freezing idea that could keep soldiers alive but in a sleep mode until the next war, then they can come out and fight years later for their country as if it were yesterday. They test it on two average people, but then, before they’re taken out of the chamber, the program is shut down and they’re left for 500 years before a landfill slide wakes them up. It turns out, in 500 years, everyone is an idiot and these average people are now the smartest in the world.
Now, if you have gone to High School in the last few years, we all know its not all the dancing and gayness (as in happy, geez you people are immature) of High School Musical. But we also see a trend, the smart people are doing good in school and going on to higher education, as the idiots get pregnant or do drugs. This is a little stereotypical, but it is the basic flow of things. Now, while these idiots have more and more kids, the smart people only have one or two, making for more stupid people in the world. While Idiocracy is just a comedy at a short glance, its also a horrifying glance into a worst case scenario of where our world is headed. If you have any brains, watch this movie and see for yourself an extreme possibility of the future.