Posted in Teenage Life

Like Death

There are few things in life I find cowardly, because I realize that most anything takes at least an ounce of strength, but with today’s technology, humans are getting weaker and weaker.

And there is one thing that makes me angry above all else.

Let’s explore the lesser offenses. Number one, asking someone out over instant messaging, text messaging, or phone call. This is just weak. If you can’t ask them out face to face, how do you expect to date them??

But there is one thing that is even worse, even more cowardly. It is something that gets you first place in the competition for biggest jerk. Breaking up with someone over text messaging.

Not only is this cowardly, but it is demeaning to the person you are talking to, it sucks a thousand times worse, it’s more unexpected, and it’s all around the most awful way to do it. Getting dumped sucks enough without your refusal to step up and say it to their face. This is just wrong. This is just inhumane. No one deserves that, no one. At least be a man about it and say it to their face.

To those of you who know me very well, I must seem like a dirty hypocrite. Yes, I once broke up with someone over instant messaging. In my feeble defense, I didn’t set out to break up with him over it, and I wasn’t trying to avoid the pain (I’d broken up to him face to face before- long story), but the fact remains. Getting dumped over lifeless words on a screen S-U-C-K-S. No emotion, not attachment, no nothing. You take the last of their dignity away because you don’t even give them the chance to respond.

Let this be a lesson to everyone out there. Don’t do this. Being a teenager sucks enough without having to deal with the insufferable jerks that inhabit the high schools. 

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