Posted in Movies

So we just take it back…

So me and Rachel went to see Twilight on Wednesday night. We knew it wasn’t going to live up to the books, of course, but dang, we didn’t think it would be THIS bad. It was awful, there was no character development or plot building, and it was HILARIOUS. We laughed at the most inappropriate parts, but oh well. To express my distaste, I’ll go character by character.

Edward: He wasn’t even that attractive, and his pale makeup didn’t go past his face, so he had a tan neck and a white face, which looked weird. Plus, he had the same expression the entire movie and he wasn’t seductive at all.

Bella: In the book, she’s got a good sense of humor and is very sarcastic. In the movie, she didn’t smile once, always seemed out of breath and afraid, and the actress wasn’t very good anyways. A huge disappointment.

Jacob: One of the only redeeming qualities of the movie. Attractive, once of the best actors in the film, and interesting. I can’t wait for New Moon, where he gets a bigger part.

James: Twisted his head to the side so often he looked like a confused dog.

Victoria: Too sweet looking… she needed to be more severe.

Laurent: He was a weird character anyways.

Mike: I LOVED him! He was probably the best actor, and he was hillarious!

Angela: Too outgoing and perky; she’s supposed to be quiet and reserved. They totally ruined her.

Jessica: They got her hair all wrong, but she wasn’t bad.

Lauren: Wasn’t even in the movie.

Tyler: Didn’t have a very big part, unimportant.

Eric: Entertaining, but I would have liked him to be a bit more nerdy.

Charlie: He was actually ok.

Billy: He wasn’t bad either, but how could he drive?? He’s in a wheelchair…

Jasper: He looked afraid the entire movie. The couple times he didn’t, he was a cutie!

Alice: Kind of odd, a little too cold to fit the actual character. She needed to be perkier.

Emmit: He was pretty good.

Rosalie: She did ok, but she looked kind of funny.

Carlisle: He was kind of scary looking, actually. He was one of the better actors, however.

Esme: She was kind of creepy too.

Overall, the movie was too intense to follow even the idea of the book. I was very disappointed, but at least I got a laugh out of it.

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