Posted in Teenage Life

Your lack of intelligence astounds me

It’s 7:49 pm and I realized that I haven’t posted a blog yet. I posted a video blog, though, on YouTube, so check it out!

So I was gonna do a music review as planned, but I’m about to start jumping up and down and screaming profanities. PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID SOMETIMES. OH MY GOODNESS.

No, I’m not going to elaborate, so don’t ask me to.

But just let me say something…

You deleted ALL THREE YouTube subscriber notifications? Are you serious? You don’t delete Nano upgrades, but you delete the messages telling you that I SUBSCRIBED TO YOUR FEAKING YOUTUBE CHANNEL? Seriously??? Dang, I must have done something REALLY wrong.

Ok, I got a bit of that out. I’m going to go write now.

Oh, before I go, I want to let everyone know that I’m now in the middle of writing three novels. Yeah, three. I’m crazy.

Posted in Blog, Teenage Life

A little something I wrote a while back…

Boys suck.


Excerpt from Bri’s diary in 2-7-07

I’ve realized what the trye meaning of a jerk is.

A jerk is someone who pretends to be your friend for a while, then decides not to talk to you much or starts being rude to you, and then, when they need help, they come to you. After you help them, they lapse back into ignoring you.

That is a true jerk. A jerk isn’t someone who calls you fat, stupid, or ugly. Those people don’t even know you. A jerk is someone who actually gets to know you, learns about your strengths and insecurities, and THEN calls you names, while still expecting you to help them out. A one-sided deal.

Parasitism is the relationship between two organisms where one benefits at the others expense. Parasitism. Like a bad friendship. A jerk is a parasite. A bad friend is a jerk. Therefore; STOP PRETENDING TO BE MY FRIEND. IT’S NOT WORKING ANYMORE. YOU AREN’T WORTH MY TIME, SO STOP WASTING MY LIFE AS WELL AS YOUR OWN AND GO AWAY.

end of transcript


And now, I’d like to add a bit more.

I trusted you. I forgave you. I believed in you. I helped you. I cried for and over you. Is this how you repay me? Is this the reward for being a good friend?

Five years of my life I wasted on you. I knew all along that I would get hurt, but I waited for you anyways. I was your friend anyways. Do you see this quote above? That was a little more than a year ago, but that’s not the only quote I have. I’ve been saying the same thing about you in my journals ever since I met you. Does that make this my fault? Maybe. But at least, before I sleep at night, I know that I did my best to you. I was my best for you, because I thought you deserved that.

Don’t I deserve some respect, if not a little credit? Don’t I deserve your acknowledgment of my existence? Apparently not.

“Dorky, nerdy, strange, annoying. I’m done.”

Those words will forever be burned into my mind. And you know what the worst part is? I would do it again. I’m so emotionally dependent on you that I would risk my feelings and my psychological health to help you through your hard times. I haven’t even learned anything. So where do we stand now?

You’ll never read this, but that’s ok. Maybe one day I’ll email it to you, but I doubt you’ll even give it a second glance. I know you deleted the notification that I subscribed to you on YouTube. I know you deleted all the texts from this summer and from the beginning of the school year. I know you got every single email I sent you in the past few months, but I also know that you don’t care. Destroying my life and mental well being means nothing to you, does it?

You say you’re done. Maybe this time you’ll mean it. Maybe I’ll be better off. Or maybe we’ll just start over again, with me apologizing for your cold heart, and you pretending that what I do even matters.

Posted in Blog, Teenage Life

Maybe you’re gonna be the one that saves me

So this summer my parents, my brother, and I have been pretty much redoing the entire house. New floors, complete paint job, new furniture, new look! I was particularly excited that finally, after thirteen years of living in this house, I was finally allowed to paint my room a color other than white. WOO! This is what I’ve done with it.


New shelf thing… and lots of new pictures! On the top, I believe the order is Liam Aiken, old soccer picture, bottle with flower, tree hugging, and me at my freshman homecoming. ORANGE WALL!! I added a couple more things since this pic was taken… a Star Wars poster, my DC group picture, and some artwork I did.

These are old shelves but now I have pictures on it! Order: First-grade-age picture with Rachel and Mariah, Spy picture of me and Rachel (6th grade), and homecoming 06 picture!

New shelf thing… with pictures from my photography class, me and Megan, and pictures from Glacier NP. Also I have a Jonas Brothers poster (sue me), a Micheal Phelps poster, Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) on the front of Parade, Shia LaBeouf as Mutt Williams poster, homecoming 07 picture, Italy calendar, Italy map, and that mask thing I made last year.


One of two bulletin boards (old). Heh. I need more. I put so much crap on them. 

My bed (kind of made) and my shade and my ORANGE wall. The shade is the same color as the other wall in my room.


I have two walls orange (and that weird fifth wall that I don’t count), one teal-ish green wall, and one yellow-ish white wall. Framed pictures: 24. Unframed pictures: 19. Organizational furniture (I cound shelves): 12. Books: Not gonna count again.


Posted in Blog

Hah Hah Henna

So last night, all of the (eleven) girls in my hall ordered Chinese food, sat in one of their room’s, and did Henna. For those of you who don’t known what Henna is, it’s basically a temporary tattoo that lasts for three weeks. I got a crescent moon on the webbing between my thumb and pointer finger, a heart on my wrist (both of these are fairly small), and a sun on my ankle. Not very creative, maybe, but I’m stuck with it for three weeks. Don’t want to get annoyed with ’em.

They look pretty cool though. I’m very excited. I’ll post pictures when I get home.

Roommate is standing over my shoulder so I should probably go.

Roommate just wiped her nose.

Roommate is giggling.

Roommate won’t stop giggling.

I have to sleep in the same room as this person.

Dang it stop giggling.


Hah. She stopped.


Posted in Blog

You know you’re pathetic when…

All girls school. Two weeks. Not a good idea.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m having fun, my roommate’s cool, and I love my classes. But no boys? Uh-uh.

So we all went the movies on Friday. Everyone dressed up. Girls I’d never seen in makeup or nice clothes were suddenly dressed as if they were going to homecoming. I’ll admit I even spent a little more time on my hair and makeup. Yes, we were THAT desperate.

They carted all one hundred of us to Hancock (which was pretty good) in two big buses, like we were touring the city or something. When we got to the movies, we weren’t allowed off the bus for about fifteen minutes. Also not a good idea.

We all (yes, all) spent the entire time staring out the windows. When a cute guy walked by, someone pointed him out, and everyone else squealed and giggled like adolescents. Pathetic. Unfortunately, I can’t say that I didn’t take part. (Some of those guys WERE cute)

All guys pretty much look like supermodels to us right now. It’s horrible.

Nice recent blogs, guys, keep up the good work!!

Posted in Blog

Say what you need to say

As repetitive as it is, I really like that song. And it was playing on the radio on a really ironic day. But that’s not important.

So I hope that not speaking in two days is making you as crazy as it’s making me. I really do.

Anyways. I just finished watching Camp Rock (HAHAHAHA) With the Jonas Brothers, yes. JONAS BROTHERS. They are incredibly good looking, and as much as people are going to hate me for this, I actually like their music. Good beats, good lyrics, catchy tunes. I LIKE THEM.

Yes, that makes me a Jonas Lover. I don’t care.

You know, I hate how people get so stuck up about music. I have spent half my life pretending that I don’t like half of the music that I actually thoroughly enjoy. I mean, I’ve never lied that I like a certain band or something, but sometimes when I’m naming music I like, I leave things out. Like the Jonas Brothers. And Aly & AJ, who have really good lyrics. And Superchick, who, as lame as the name is, are actually very good. I’m sorry I missed them when they came to this town on tour. The town that I’m not telling you.

That’s not the point.  The point is that I hate it when people judge me and my “coolness” because of my taste in music. I hate it when people measure my inherent worth as a person on my taste in music. As great as music is, that shouldn’t be what makes or breaks a friendship. Really. If you don’t like it that I enjoy the Jonas Brothers, then you can either deal with it or shut up.

Posted in Politics

Life is what happens while you’re busy making your excuses

-Simple Plan, When I’m Gone

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. And as everyone knows, this is often not a good thing. But I think that this time it’s ok.

I realized something during this thinking period. Our lives are consumed by fear and order. Out of fear we allign ourselves with other people who are similar in taste, ensuring that we are not alone, which we also fear, whether we realize it or not. Everything inside of us strives to be a part of a group, even if you pride yourself in being a non-conformist. Because then you’re conforming to a non conformist group.

Groups groups groups. We are all a part of thousands of groups. Republican, Democrat, nerd, jock, outgoing, loner, smart, dumb, right, wrong. What is with us?? Why are we so concerned with being one thing or the other? Why can’t I be moderate, both a nerd and a jock, both smart and dumb, and both outgoing and introverted? No, I always have to pick a side.

That’s one of the things that bugs me the most about the election. People make decisions based on whether the candidate is liberal enough or conservative enough. I know we have parties like Libertarian and Independent, but I also know that if I choose to vote for one of those candidates, I’m basically throwing away my vote, because there aren’t enough people brave enough to straddle the fence to ever get a third party candidate elected.

Here’s what I think we should do… get rid of political parties altogether. Not only will this give everyone a level starting ground (people won’t be biased to a republican or democrat), but it will also force people into actually researching candidates platforms, instead of writing off someone “Oh, they’re a democrat. They must be a crazy hemp smoking hippi who leads peace rallies against any kind of violence.” They would actually have to THINK about their candidates.

Of course, this would lead to an issue… how do you narrow down candidates for the final race? You can’t just have everyone running on the ballot!

Well. You know how baseball they have the national league and the american league? Do that! Separate the candidates into groups ACCORDING TO LOCATION, or some other nondenominational grouping, then have primaries like normal. The best two out of both “leagues” would be the final candidates for the final vote.

I probably haven’t thought this through enough, and I’m sure you’ll all have plenty to say back. This is just what I came up with when my brother told me I needed to update. So tell me what you think!


Posted in Teenage Life

Like Death

There are few things in life I find cowardly, because I realize that most anything takes at least an ounce of strength, but with today’s technology, humans are getting weaker and weaker.

And there is one thing that makes me angry above all else.

Let’s explore the lesser offenses. Number one, asking someone out over instant messaging, text messaging, or phone call. This is just weak. If you can’t ask them out face to face, how do you expect to date them??

But there is one thing that is even worse, even more cowardly. It is something that gets you first place in the competition for biggest jerk. Breaking up with someone over text messaging.

Not only is this cowardly, but it is demeaning to the person you are talking to, it sucks a thousand times worse, it’s more unexpected, and it’s all around the most awful way to do it. Getting dumped sucks enough without your refusal to step up and say it to their face. This is just wrong. This is just inhumane. No one deserves that, no one. At least be a man about it and say it to their face.

To those of you who know me very well, I must seem like a dirty hypocrite. Yes, I once broke up with someone over instant messaging. In my feeble defense, I didn’t set out to break up with him over it, and I wasn’t trying to avoid the pain (I’d broken up to him face to face before- long story), but the fact remains. Getting dumped over lifeless words on a screen S-U-C-K-S. No emotion, not attachment, no nothing. You take the last of their dignity away because you don’t even give them the chance to respond.

Let this be a lesson to everyone out there. Don’t do this. Being a teenager sucks enough without having to deal with the insufferable jerks that inhabit the high schools. 

Posted in Blog


I am SOOOOO sorry I haven’t been updating. It’s been like two weeks. Ouch. Myyy bad.

In my defense, again, I have been insanely busy. I also got a job as a nursery home slave. The actual job title is “Activities Assistant”, and the actual job description is “helping with activities for old people”. But what I have actually ended up doing with my time is serving nasty looking food, cleaning up the mess afterwards, taking people back to their rooms, and breaking up old people fights.

Yes, you read that right, breaking up old people fights. So yesterday, a fairly belligerant resident in a wheelchair and a usually even tempered old man in a walker nearly got into a fist fight. I’m not even kidding. They were this close. It’s hard to explain without using hand gestures and visuals, but I’ll try my best.

Basically, the lady in the wheelchair was kind of in the way of the door and was waiting for another old lady to get out of the way. The old man was in a hurry and snapped at her to get out of the way. The old lady, who doesn’t like anyone anyways, was not happy. There was another lady near her, near enough so that the old man’s walker couldn’t get through. After a couple more rude exchanges, the old man decides he just wants to get through, so he starts forward and tries to force his way through the two wheelchairs. Obviously, this doesn’t work very well, and his walker got stuck. Now the old lady is cursing, the old man is cursing, and I’m freaking out. It needs to be said that there are a couple nurses standing around, and they all just stand there gawking.

The old lady is now waving her arms wildly, and the old man is about ready to throw some punches. So since the people who are paid to take care of these two look on, I calmly explain to the man that I need to push his walker back a little bit so I can get them both out of there. it takes a couple seconds but finally I get them calmed down enough to push the old man back a minute, get the womans wheelchair out of the way and get to the door, and the conflict is resolved.

Or so you would think. As soon as the only lady is enough out of the way for him to get through, he books it to the door, and as he passes her makes another rude comment I can’t remember. This results in the woman yelling something at him riddled with profanity, which the old man replies to with a “shut up, woman!”, which offends the old lady greatly and causes her to return the phrase of goodwill. I get the man out the door, try to calm down the woman, who yells at another little old lady further down the hall. I’d just like to point of that the nurses were STILL standing there watching this unfold.

Geez. Three days on the job and I’m already doing every one else’s. Guess that doesn’t end in high school.

I’m never going into the medical field.

PS. The title of this blog is the answer an old lady gave when I asked her who the first president of the united states was. (We were doing word games, and that was one of the questions that came up)

Said, ain’t it?

Posted in Teenage Life

Something needs to be addressed….

Ok, so this was my first time on myspace for a while…. I don’t get on much. But whatever. ANYWAYS. Crazy enough, I had forgotten how stupid forwards had gotten. So I’d like to talk about them for a moment.

Here is an example of one I found:

On December 24, 2006 at 8 o’clock in the morning, a young 14 year old boy by the name of Scott Jackson was found dead. Doctors couldn’t come up with the cause of his death. His mother checked his emails to see if she could figure out what happened. Turns out he was still signed into myspace. She found he had gone to sleep after he read and didnt repost a chain letter about a little girl that kills you in your sleep with no natrual cause of death.

This is the bulletin he read:

My name is Jaime Heras. I’m 14 years old. I’m a murderer. I have no face. When you look at me you’ll die immediately.You have 900 seconds to repost this or I will visit you tonight.

Repost this “14yr.

old died havin sex”

I deleted all the spacing in between, because it was freaking annoying.

Ok, smarty pants, let’s think about this a moment:

1. Scott Jackson is obviously a made up name; generic enough to be real

2. As for Ms. Heras, I have a few things….

    -If you have no face, how do you post on myspace?

    -How did you become “friends” with Mr. Jackson in order to post that bulletin?

    -What possible reason would you have to murder people who don’t pass on a message saying you have no face? If they are your “friends” (on myspace), shouldn’t they already know that? Hm…

3. Why 900 seconds? Why not 901? or 899? Or never?

4. As for the title of the post, “14yr old died having sex”, well, that’s just silly. Not only does it have nothing to do with Ms. Heras’ facelessness, but it’s completely unrelated and could be taken as offensive and vulgar. Ms. Heras, if you’re trying to get people to read your message, try something like “free money get sum here”. Or “I SAWZ A PINC DINISORE!” Obviously, throw in some misspellings to make it believable to today’s youth.


Ok, I’m done. But really, if you’re that worried about a random, faceless, middle schooler will kill you, go into therapy. I have never reposted one of these, and as far as I know, I have not died from mysterious causes, nor have I ever had sporatic good luck. Geez.