Posted in Movies

The Dark Knight Review

Breaking box office records, getting great reviews from critics, and even Oscar predictions, those are some pretty high expectations for summer blockbusters. Batman has never really been my favorite superhero because I’ve always preferred the Marvel guys like Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and Spiderman. When Batman Begins came out though, it was far better than any other superhero movie out there, which is tough to say for me seeing as I am one of the biggest fans of superhero movies. The Dark Knight’s first trailer came out, and I was already wishing that it was summer all ready. I haven’t been this excited since Lord of the Rings Return of the King came out, and I was obsessed with those movies. So did it live up to my expectations?

Yes, and I’ll tell you why. This movie has it all, great story, acting, action, music, pace, and comedy. The only thing that its lacking (which I like) is romance. Sure, there is some with Rachel, but its not overwhelming like every other superhero movie. I’ve seen it twice now, and both times the 2 1/2 hours went by in minutes. I can’t think of a time where I get bored at all. The shots that were chosen were just perfect to set the mood and keep you on the edge of your seat throughout, and the story keeps you entertained even when there isn’t any action.

But those aren’t even the best parts of the movie. The acting is just perfect, with Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Michael Caine, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Morgan Freeman, there isn’t a time where you think that your watching a movie. Though I have heard some complaints about Bale’s Batman voice, I think that it fits the character well. Ledger’s performance stole the show though, it really is amazing in how well he played the part. I do think that it could just be more of how the character was just an amazingly well written, and that any great actor could play this part. Maggie is another new addition to this cast replacing Katie Holmes’ part of Rachel. I didn’t really care which one played the part since I didn’t HATE Katie’s acting in Begins, but it sure wasn’t good. Christopher Nolan really has created such a great new take on Batman as a character, making him the dark character he was supposed to be.

So is there any reason NOT to see this movie? I wouldn’t give any, but here are some complaints that I’ve heard. Some people don’t like it because of how dark it is, and how it doesn’t really show any hope for a perfect Gotham city. I’ve also heard that its a little long for some. But the biggest thing that I would say that could bring down the experience is if you NEED romance in a movie, it has it, but not the way you’ll like it.

This has to be the best movie of the year so far, so I’ll give it… 50/50 Ducks

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