Posted in Blog, Music, Teenage Life


Did I lose all of my bloggers? What’s going on here, guys? I know that several of you were gone for Spring Break, but come on. I know Morgan was home yesterday for politics, I know Cody was home today for sports, I know Craig was here both Saturdays for Creepy with Craig, and I’m mostly sure that Dorenka was here Thursday. But I’m not positive about that last one so yeah.

Continue reading “WTF”

Posted in Politics, Teenage Life

National Heathcare

We Americans live in a country where people say we have the best medical attention, how come it costs millions of dollars to get any treatment in a hospital. why do americans have to go to canada for cheeper medication. its because we do not have National Healthcare. the one thing that could change all of our problems, from the economy, to the social security. Continue reading “National Heathcare”

Posted in Teenage Life

Atheists :)

Well, as you all know, the Atheists have always gotten a lot of flak from the rest of the world. but here is a vid of Bill O’Rily getting an interview with Richard Dawkins, Enjoy Bill’s horrid combacks. And congrats to Bri, for her cool stories in the Newspaper.


Posted in Blog


I though school was dragging on in September. Monotony monotony monotony. Let’s get to winter break already. That was insignificant compared to how I felt once January rolled around. I was tired of it being cold and for no good reason. I dreaded each new snowfall. I was bitter, having to wake up in the dark and have to scrape ice off my car and not have my car heated until I was at school, where I had to suffer through the day learning nothing of substance and generally feeling depressed and wanting to move to Hawaii.

Now, that spring is here, comes the worst onslaught of what i suppose to be senioritis that i’ve ever had. And I’m not even justified, because I’m not a senior. I don’t know if I’m going to have any laziness and lack of motivation left by the time it’s actually acceptable.

With the coming of warm weather and chirping birds, I feel happy. And because I feel happy, I do not want to spend my time doing things that make me unhappy. Today, I realized how utterly easy it would be to just give up. To just not show up to the classes I don’t want to go to. To not turn in assignments I don’t feel like doing. To go to Taco Bell every single day because it’s cheap and hot. To watch TV all the time.

It sounds so very appealing to just not struggle and just be happy with mediocrity.

And I’m going to be honest. If it weren’t for wanting to go to college, I would give up. I’m trying to figure out how to pull through this. It’s easy to stack up all the things that make life miserable, but its harder to string together the little things that make life worth it.


people who have given up on life. If you do not wish to end up like that, stay in school and realize that sometimes, sleeping in is just more important than duty.

Posted in Sports


Sometimes in sports it is difficult to figure out what’s wrong, in anything actually.  You know something is wrong, but discovering exactly what the problem is can be the biggest battle.  It can take weeks or months, or never happen at all.  Finding what exactly to tweak can be a headcase because people often fix the wrong things and just hurt themselves more.  But when you finally figure out what was wrong, the feeling is amazing!  Success is a cure-all, and fixing something yourself is very fulfilling.

Another type of tweaking is not so good though.  Last week I tweaked my hamstring stepping on first-base, it sucks.  I does hurt it too too bad, I can still play.  Yet I have to keep it wrapped in ace wrap and ice it all the time, I hate not being 100%.  Especially considering our first baseball game is on Thursday and my team needs me to perform.  I’m doing everything I can to get better though, injuries are a nasty business.

Well that’s all for now, wish me luck this week!

This is Scarface signing off.

Posted in Teenage Life


First to blog on the new site! Other than Bri. Also, first to blog about absolutely nothing on the new site! wOOt! (atleast when I wrote this)

Anyway, now on to actual blogging. Has anyone noticed that (usually) in a group of friends there will be 3 people: a middle person who is always kinda an even Steven, and two others who’s lives will be almost the exact inverse of one another? I know, I got it from Seinfeld, I don’t care, lately I’ve started to notice that with my friends it seems to be true. It’s really an odd thing to realize. Continue reading “YAY!”