Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0), Teenage Life

[Day 366] 3 things that make me happy

This is the last week of Bri 2.0. Wowzers.

1. Friends. There has been a lot of change in the past year, but there are some people that have remained loyally constant, and I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

2. Blogging. Surprisingly, about three or so months ago, I started absolutely loving this project, when previously it had been an obligation rather than a pleasure. Blogging is fun.

3. Creating. Whether I’m writing a blog or book, filming a YouTube video, composing a song, or painting a picture, I’m doing what I love. No matter what happens for the rest of my life, I will be forever creating things. No one will ever take that away from me.

Posted in Blog

Just a humble bonus post

I don’t feel like working on Eugenia today. I’m just not in the mood. I’m feeling tired and introspective.

I was thinking the other day about a question religious people like to ask me when they find out I’m agnostic. “What makes life worth living?” It’s kind of a weird question, because honestly, what isn’t worth living? But I thought I’d make a decently comprehensive list anyways. Continue reading “Just a humble bonus post”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 362] 7 things I’ve learned about Friendship

This is the final week of Bri 2.o. I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I have.

1. When it comes to friends, quality > quantity. I used to think that if I had enough friends, I wouldn’t feel so lonely, but that was counterproductive. Now, I have a small group of friends who sort of overlap who truly care about me, and I’m so grateful.

2. Convenient friends don’t stay convenient for long. I needed someone to sit with at lunch, but it wasn’t long before having a lunch table was no longer worth it. I wish I’d known that three years ago.

3. Take a page out of Neville Longbottom’s book; sometimes you have stand up to your friends or fear getting trampled. But at the same time, sometimes you have to stand up FOR your friends.

4. The people you often least expect can become your best friends. Bart was a skater transfer student who was a bigger slacker than I had ever met. Betsy and Avivah were two years younger than me. But all of these people are so important to me.

5. Friends don’t judge you, they just want you to be happy.

6. Friends also know when to stop. They’ll know if you’re uncomfortable or unhappy.

7. Friends change with you, not without you, and sometimes you’ll grow apart when this happens. But sometimes you won’t. Being open to change is OK.

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 361] I totally almost forgot

This was the ONE BLOG that I didn’t have already written/scheduled. I kinda freaked out because the first of the final week blogs, which was already written, didn’t go up today, but then I looked at the numbering and realized that I needed to write something else.

I’m meeting Rachel and her family for lunch at 11:30, so I decided against going to Borders today. That means that I’m kind of out of it and not really in a state to write a blog. Or at least, write another blog. Because I already wrote two today.

So I’m just going to link you to those two blogs, and call it a day.

My thoughts on the Proposition 8 ruling

Day 27 of my “Losing It” project

What, you didn’t know that I have two other blogs that I sometimes update? Well, I do. Because I’m kind of insane.