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I Know What Jerks Are

A jerk is someone who pretends to be your friend for a while, then decides not to talk to you much at all, and then, when they need your help, the come back. And after you help them, they lapse back in to ignoring you.

That is a true jerk. A jerk isn't someone who calls you fat, ugly, or stupid. Those people don't even know you. They're just rude.

A jerk is someone who actually gets to know you, learns about your strengths and insecurities, and then calls you names while still expecting you to help them when they need it. A one-sided deal.

Parasitism is the relationship between two organisms where one benefits at the other's expense. Parasitism. Like a bad friendship. A jerk is a parasite. A bad friend is a jerk. Therefore; STOP PRETENDING TO BE MY FRIEND. IT'S NOT GONNA WORK ANYMORE. YOU AREN'T WORTH MY TIME, SO STOP WASTING MY LIFE AS WELL AS YOUR OWN, STOP TALKING TO ME, AND GO AWAY.

What's up, my dudes?

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