Posted in Teenage Life

In Bri’s Absense, and For Her Sake

K I'm writing something on here because it will feel empty without something new. And for the sake of newness, it's going to be in a different font.

Well. I really have nothing to say, nothing to muse about, nothing to deliberate. I have nobody to talk to, and nothing that I want to do. As Brianna said, I'm all alooone. Everybody's gone and abandoned me with no computer access and not caring to call. Well, I guess I'm doing that to them next week! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha ok I'll shut up. I hate wind. It's so noisy. Why can't nature be more considerate for those of us who are sleeping? Speaking of noise, my neighbor has this pond that used to have bullfrogs in it that made the most atrocious croaks at night, but I don't hear them anymore, and after four years of hearing them every summer night, I rather miss it. It's quite unsettling. That was a long sentence. My language arts teacher would kill me for putting four commas in the same sentence. Nobody's going to read this, what am I babbling on and on like this for? It's not as if anybody cares about the bullfrogs living next door. I don't even care about them. It's just that I am SOO RELIANT ON OTHER PEOPLE TO ENTERTAIN ME THAT THIS IS ALL THAT COMES OUT OF MY HEAD WHEN I'M LEFT ALONE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I need to go to REI. Too bad I have no money and no way of getting there. I'm also reliant on my parents. Heh heh. As it should be…I should enjoy it now before I'm dirt poor and living in a rat infested apartment building, starving and freezing…

Well that was definitely the most exciting part of my day. Fonts and colors are fun.

The End

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