Posted in Movies

My Top Five Favorite Gangster Films

Gangster films are possibly my favorite genre of movies. Two of my top ten fit this category, and even more would be in my top 100, if I had the patience to make that list. Now, I’m sure a lot of you haven’t seen most of the movies I’m gonna mention, but I would suggest watching at least one or two of them. Gangster movies, when done right, are some of the greatest made films that’d been made to date. Yes, a lot of these are “boring” for most people, but I think that everyone should at least see one or two classic movies and see for themselves what a great technical movie is.

1. Casino- “When you love someone, you’ve gotta trust them. There’s no other way. You’ve got to give them the key to everything that’s yours. Otherwise, what’s the point? And, for a while, I believed that’s the kind of love I had.”


Directed by one of the best in the business, Martin Scorsese, this is my second favorite movie of all time. Once I saw the first minute of the movie, going into the opening credits, I just knew that it’d be great. Its 3 hours long, but the first time you watch it, you could mistake it for 2. The last few times I’ve seen it though, its dragged a little bit in the middle. The whole thing is told like a documentary, but it tells like a narrative. I’ve heard some complaints on how its like Goodfellas, another Scorsese gangster movie, but I think they’re different enough to make me like this one a lot more. It even has a likable main character, which is rare for a movie of this genre. I’m very surprised by how few Oscars it was nominated for, but the Academy has passed up some great films in the past, and this is one of them.


2. The Godfather Trilogy- “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.”


Yes, they are three movies, but every one of them is great in its own way. The first one is my favorite, seeing as its number eight on my all time favorites list. Its based off the book by Mario Puzo, which I read before watching the movie, and I must say, this is the best adaption ever made. Most movies based off books are never close to how good the book was, but this one was perfect, getting even better than the book. You see, everything in the movie was in the book, and the only parts they took out were just some boring scenes that didn’t really do anything for the story. The acting was also just so amazing, Marlon Brando’s role as The Godfather was what made a great movie better. The second was also good, going with a new plot structure, going back and forth in time to show the similarities of the rising of Michael Corleone and his father, The Godfather. Its my least favorite of all of them, but some like it better than the first one. Finally, we have the third, and final of the trilogy. Its often hated by fans of the series, but I thought it was just as good as the others, ending the series the way it should be. Each movie though is three hours, and while it doesn’t cause a problem for me, lots of people who aren’t movie lovers think they’re boring. There are some fighting scenes that look completely unrealistic too, showing obvious misses by the fighters. These issues don’t cause a problem though, and if you can handle the 3 hours, you should like the movies.


3. Pulp Fiction- “Hamburgers! The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast!”


Probably the most original film on this list, Pulp Fiction is the movie I would suggest to all of you to watch. Its the shortest on the list, and the dialogue is what makes it stand out among films. When Quentin Tarantino makes a movie, its going to have at least some great conversations. The “Foot Massage” and “Marvin” scenes come to mind. But what separates this one from the others is the plot structure. It jumps back and forth through time, and the first time you watch it your just wondering what the heck is going on. This is what makes it such a good repeat watcher, every time you see it more and more starts to make sense. You really need to see this one twice to fully get whats happening. What does make this one drag a bit is just some long scenes where the dialogue just isn’t as good as the rest. Some of it could have been cut down a bit to me. But it really is a great movie, even if it doesn’t have the same feel of the other movies on this list.


4. Scarface (remake)- “Say hello to my little friend!”


This is the first movie to really change a political stance of mine, which is kinda weird seeing as I don’t think that it was made to do that. After seeing it, I really changed my mind on the “Legalization of Drugs” (won’t get into that right now…). The story is amazing, and like a lot of movies, its a great movie about a bad person. It shows Tony Montana’s rise to power through the whole process, and how he messed it all up with drugs. I think it’s the ultimate anti-drug movie, but maybe thats just me. It’s 3 hours long, but most of it couldn’t be cut out. Now, it was nominated for the “Worst Director” Razzie, but it didn’t deserve at all. While its the most violent of them all, I don’t think you could make it as good without it. Like I said though, it does drag a little at times, and the techno music doesn’t fit with the movie. What was it with the techno in the 80s? Tecno music sucks, and doesn’t fit any movie, especially during the action scenes. Man, 80s action movies could have been 10 times less cheesy without it.


5. Goodfellas- “It’s funny, you know. It’s a good story, it’s funny, you’re a funny guy.”


When I saw this, I was a little let down by it. I was hoping for one character that I could really like and care about, like Casino, but I didn’t really get that. It really is probably the most realistic representation of mafia life I’ve seen, which is why I think deserves to be on this list. Sure, I enjoyed some gangster movies better than this one, like Carlito’s Way, but I’ll give this one the benefit of the doubt for how well it was made. It makes you not like any of the characters, which is good for this genre, and it ends very well. I do want to see it again just to see if I’ll like it better. It was about 10 or 11 at night when I watched it, so that also could have “hindered” the experience. The 2 hours though does go by slower than any other of these movies, but that might have been the point.


I just have 2 more things to say now. All of these movies are violent and have a TON of cursing. Casino has the record for the most f-words in any movie, so if your under 18, you might want to ask your parents before you watch them. Also, I’d like to see what you think of this genre, and what your favorite movies in it are, so please comment below on which would make your list.

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