Posted in Movies

What are some of your favorite movies?

Ok, instead of a regular blog today, I just want to find out which movies everyone likes the best. I’m doing this so I can try to write blogs that are more to your interest. So, here’s my top ten (currently, it changes a lot since I watch a ton of movies).

1. Fight Club- Can’t find anything wrong with it, to me it’s a perfect piece of filmmaking.
2. Casino- Wonderful movie, after watching it a few times it does seem to be a bit long though.
3. Die Hard- Best action movie ever made, every guy NEEDS to see this one.
4. Gladiator- Everything is amazing in this movie, especially the acting an music.
5. Braveheart- A lot like Gladiator, they’re almost the same movie.
6. Rambo First Blood- Another great action movie, even without a lot of killing!
7. The Shawshank Redemption- Perfect ending to an emotional movie.
8. The Godfather- Classic, like Gladiator in respects of perfect music and acting.
9. No Country for Old Men- The ending is great, don’t listen to the idiots out there.
10. Memento- Very original piece of art by Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight).

What's up, my dudes?

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