Posted in Teenage Life

In Bri’s Absense, and For Her Sake

K I'm writing something on here because it will feel empty without something new. And for the sake of newness, it's going to be in a different font.

Well. I really have nothing to say, nothing to muse about, nothing to deliberate. I have nobody to talk to, and nothing that I want to do. As Brianna said, I'm all alooone. Everybody's gone and abandoned me with no computer access and not caring to call. Well, I guess I'm doing that to them next week! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha ok I'll shut up. I hate wind. It's so noisy. Why can't nature be more considerate for those of us who are sleeping? Speaking of noise, my neighbor has this pond that used to have bullfrogs in it that made the most atrocious croaks at night, but I don't hear them anymore, and after four years of hearing them every summer night, I rather miss it. It's quite unsettling. That was a long sentence. My language arts teacher would kill me for putting four commas in the same sentence. Nobody's going to read this, what am I babbling on and on like this for? It's not as if anybody cares about the bullfrogs living next door. I don't even care about them. It's just that I am SOO RELIANT ON OTHER PEOPLE TO ENTERTAIN ME THAT THIS IS ALL THAT COMES OUT OF MY HEAD WHEN I'M LEFT ALONE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I need to go to REI. Too bad I have no money and no way of getting there. I'm also reliant on my parents. Heh heh. As it should be…I should enjoy it now before I'm dirt poor and living in a rat infested apartment building, starving and freezing…

Well that was definitely the most exciting part of my day. Fonts and colors are fun.

The End

Posted in Blog

“Aaah, Jealousy” coos the green poodle

Boys are stupid. All of them. They can be stupid in relationships, in school, or in common sense.

But they're all stupid.


Shut up, green poodle. You're making it worse.

What's wrong with everyone these days? Lately, it seems like everyone is mad at everyone else, friendships and relationships are being tested, and no one is coming out on top?


My biggest fear is failure. Did you know that? I'm afraid to fail at school, at friends, at being me, at relationships, and at life in general. And lately, all that I've done is fail.

I've failed to make my AP group understand how important this is to me without yelling at them and making them hate me.

I've failed at getting an A in math because it wasn't as important to me.

I've failed at relationships AND friends at the same time because I've failed to make a clean break and I've failed to make him understand why I did it.

I've failed at life because I can't seem to make everyone else happy at the same time as being happy myself. Someone else is always sad, and I hate that. I feel guilty to be happy when someone I'm close to can barely look at me, or is having problems.

I hate feeling guily and trying to make everything better but failing because no one wants my help and I don't know how else to help them.

I hate it when the only thing left to do is hate myself for everything I've done and move on.

I hate it when everyone turns their backs on their own problems, even though I do it to myself to help other people. I'm so loaded with the feelings and problems of everyone else that I forget about myself and I totally disregard my feelings. I feel happy that I've hepled someone or made them happy one way or another, but it's a shallow happiness, because inderneath, I'm not really happy. Everyone else is, but I'm not, so then that makes me desperate to find a solution to make myself happy and everyone else by lying to myself and everyone, but then I start telling myself the truth and then everyone else, or maybe just that one person, gets mad at me and is "disapointed in my decision".

I don't knwo how to fix things anymore, so I'm going to stop trying. Everyone else can fix things, and I'm just going to sit here and let them. Because every time I try to make everyone, including myself happy, it falls through and then it sucks worse than before. So I'm done.

You want things to change? Change it yourself. I'm done making things worse. I'm done trying to make myself happy and not be depressed or living in a lie. I'm done pretending to be someone just to make someone else feel good, because that's not fair to me.

I'm finally going to be true to myself and not let anyone else chagne how I feel about things just to make them happier.

I'm done trying to help. So help yourselves. Because i'm DONE.

Posted in Blog

Panty-hose and softness

Did you all see the new Various Ramblings? I quite like it.

I am getting picked up after school. I am getting picked up after school.

I am getting picked up after school. I am getting picked up after school.

I am getting picked up after school. I am getting picked up after school.

I am getting picked up after school. I am getting picked up after school.




I need some shorts with pockets. I can't keep rolling up my jeans. Daaaaangit.

I need another list.




Things I do when I wake up

1. Push snooze button

2. Actually get up/ attempt to make bed

3. Go to bathroom and put in contacts/ do hair (if necessary)

-yell at brother-

4. Apply makeup

5. Go back to my room

6. Put lotion on legs (aah, they're so smoooooth)

7. Pick clothes to wear for the day (usually takes the longest)

8. Get backpack and go to kitchen

-yell at brother-

9. Eat breakfast (banana and a chewy bar) -yell at brother-

10. Go back to the bathroom and brush teeth/last minute primping

-yell at brother-

11. Leave for bus around 6:35, or, if dad's dropping me off, leave about 6:45

12. School starts at 7:25



……..That wasn't really a list, but whatever.


Hey! Where am I? I'm not supposed to be in a blog! My place is in Various Ramblings!!

What the…?

Hey- you're not insane Bri! You're normal Bri! I can't argue with you! I can't freak you out! This sucks.

Er, sorry. I dunno why you're here… how strange. Um… I dunno what to do to put you back…

Oh. Well, since I'm here, do you want to argue with me?

Uh… about what?


Um… ok?

Dangit. You don't react. I guess I'll have to try…

Don't. Even. Go there.

Ooooh… I see I've touched a nerve. Why won't you let me say–

*submits blog and ruins the escaped alter-ego's plan to make her look bad*

Posted in Teenage Life

Things to do when you’re bored

Get on Youtube and search for iRack. Even for the conservatives out there, it’s still funny. I thought it was entertaining, at least. And I’m conservative….
Also, type in the word ‘yink’ into spell checker and see what comes up.
It makes me smile.
not much comes up in Word
but it’s still funny to think about…

Posted in Blog

I Know What Jerks Are

A jerk is someone who pretends to be your friend for a while, then decides not to talk to you much at all, and then, when they need your help, the come back. And after you help them, they lapse back in to ignoring you.

That is a true jerk. A jerk isn't someone who calls you fat, ugly, or stupid. Those people don't even know you. They're just rude.

A jerk is someone who actually gets to know you, learns about your strengths and insecurities, and then calls you names while still expecting you to help them when they need it. A one-sided deal.

Parasitism is the relationship between two organisms where one benefits at the other's expense. Parasitism. Like a bad friendship. A jerk is a parasite. A bad friend is a jerk. Therefore; STOP PRETENDING TO BE MY FRIEND. IT'S NOT GONNA WORK ANYMORE. YOU AREN'T WORTH MY TIME, SO STOP WASTING MY LIFE AS WELL AS YOUR OWN, STOP TALKING TO ME, AND GO AWAY.

Posted in Blog


"Horrid design, content that could be described as filler at the very best, and as a whole very 'blah'. Only slightly more entertaining than performing auto-autopsy. Very slightly at that. Also, the admin is pretentious and insists on calling herself 'The Bri'. What an ego."

..cute. very cute.

For the record, I like preforming auto-autopsy.

And who the heck are you calling 'pretentious'?? THIS IS THE BRI YOU'RE TALKING TO! I DEMAND RESPECT!

Heh. I guess I do have an ego.

Whatever. The fact is this: if you don't like my site, fine. I honestly don't care. But don't go trashing it unless you have an idea of how to change it. Look: I'm a fifteen year old girl with no history in programming or website design. I'm a writer. I think I'm doing pretty well, all things considered.

Oh- and also; if you think I'm pretentious, and you hate my website, then don't give me personally a thumbs-up on StumbleUpon.

Unless pretentious people turn you on, of course. Don't worry- I'm used to it.

Love and regards,

The Bri

Posted in Blog

It’s aesthetically turning me on

Let's see…

Business: watched my stocks plummet

AP Human Geography: Got 5 extra credit points and an automatic A on the quiz because I was good for the sub

Biology: Harassed by Zach, argued with Mike over inventors, had mike draw in my planner (it was pretty good, too), switched Mike seats to stop zach from harassing me, watched a movie, talked to mike.

G+T: Commanded by Graham and Cody to help them with Spanish, took a stupid CSAP practice test, got mad at Cody and Graham

Lunch: Talked to multiple people, got nose flicked by Hudson, sat with justin, sage, jeff, and elliot, read a book

Acting: read through a play, listened to the girl and guy next to me talk about the girl's most recent sex and other things relating to that sex (not pleasant)

Geometry: got slapped by a really heavy ruler, got a ruler almost shoved up my nose, got my face slapped by a ruler (the last two were mike), and got exasperated with the teacher for her lack of control.

Spanish: Was reminded how boring that class is and talked to Cody.



After school: Got called a whore by Cody, and thane procceded to nae off people who 'wanted my services'. Slapped thane upside the head before I got on the bus. Got him in the head with a hard snowball by thane. Watched kelli lose her grip when elliot and graham stole her iPod. It was quite hilarious.

Bus: talked to brandon and kelli


Over-all, it was a fairly good day. 




I'M ALMOST FIFTEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Posted in Blog

People Stink Sometimes

Today's synopsis:


I have wrinkles

I dress like someone's grandma

I am of no identifiable gender

It's ok to throw paper airplanes at me and expect me to give them back

I'm not worth respecting

Even though I'm the ONLY person they [he] trust[s], they [he] can still torture me and take me for granite and expect me to still be there


In other news:

High school kids [guy friends] are cruel

And that is the biggest understatement in the universe.

Posted in Poetry



Announcement of rules

Standards for the day

Flip my hand in disregard

I don't care what they say

The code of conduct

is my dart target

What dress code?

I forget

Rebel of the underdog

Overlooked at first sight

don't tell me to shut up

or I might pick a fight